IWRA Proceedings

1st Islands Water Congress 2024WWC 2023 Beijing - China2023 OC Emerging PollutantsWWC 2021 South Korea2021 OC One WaterOC 2020 Groundwater ResilienceWWC 2017 MexicoWWC 2015 ScotlandWWC 2011 BrazilWWC 2008 FranceWWC 2003 Spain
Water for all: Harmony Between and Nature, September 11-15 2023, Beijing China The XVIII World Water Congress aims to promote coordination and balance between the water needs of humans and nature. The Congress will facilitate knowledge and experience sharing, focusing on investigating the relationship between water, humans and nature, identifying and reconciling all water-related factors in a coordinated manner, and making and implementing water management strategies and polices using systematic approaches.

Number of abstracts: 499
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureCongress presentation: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureIWRA Strategy Workshop 10th September 2023IWRA Executive Office ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureThe 3rd Lancang-Mekong Water Resources Cooperation ForumMr. LI Ge, Head of JWG China ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureStudy on the variation of water resources and green regulation measures in the Yangtze River Basin - 长江流域水资源演变规律与绿色调控对策研究 ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSpecial Session 7-13: Water Safety Guarantee in Guangdong-HongKong-Macao Greater Bay AreaPearl River Water Resources Research Institute PAPER ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureUrban hazards under extreme rainstorms - 极端暴雨下城市复合型地质灾害Limin Zhang, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology - 张利民, 香港科技大学 ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureEvaluating effects of agricultural drought and flood abrupt alternation on cotton growthQian Long, Xiaohong Chen - Center for Water Resources and Environment, Sun Yat-Sen University ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureA Case Study of International River DevelopmentLi Yinsheng - Director General of Strategy and Development Research Center of China Three Gorges Corp (CTG) ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature粤港澳大湾区水安全保障现状及对策探讨 - Current Status of Water Security Guarantee in the GuangdongHong Kong-Macao GBA and its Strategies Discuss汇报人:杨 芳 - 珠江水利委员会珠江水利科学研究院 - 水利部粤港澳大湾区水安全保障重点实验室
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSide Event SE10: Innovative Rural Sanitation ManagementOrganisation: ADB
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSpecial Session 7-16: 10th WORLD WATER FORUM_MILESTONEEVENTSACTIVITIESOrganistaion: World Water Council PAPER
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSpecial Session 2-10: Explore Diversification of Water ServicesLead Organiser: SUEZ ORAL
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSpecial Session SS-7-3: Water and SDGs - Downscaling WATer relevant SDGsMaing organiser: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA PAPER
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSide Event SE-7: China-Europe Water Platform (CEWP) Sponge Cities and beyond: Climate Resilient Urban Areas by application of the Three Points ApproachOrganisation: Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Managmenet of the Netherlands
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSpecial Session SS-7-9: 30 Years of Water management in Basins of rivers, lakes and aquifersLead Organiser: International network of basin organizations PAPER
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSide Event SE9: Preparatory Meeting of the 3rd Asia International Water Week 2024Organisation: IWHR and AWC
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSide Event SE11: Belt and Road Conference on Water Resources and Water EnvironmentOrganisation: National Research Institute for Rural Electrification, Ministry of Water Resources of the P. R. China
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and NatureSpecial Session SS-7-14: Water International – the Flagship Journal of IWRALead Organiser: IWRA Editorial Office PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpatiotemporal variation of potential evapotranspiration and its dominant factors during 1970−2020 across the SichuanChongqing region, ChinaMiss. qingzhou zheng, Chongqing Meteorology Bureau ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentMiss. Yanjia Jiang, Sichuan University ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentShanghai Groundwater Artificial RechargeMr.XuSheng Fu - Shanghai Water Authority ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session : Managed aquifer recharge through rivers and lakes in North China PlainWenlong Shi ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSS-1-4: Upgrading low-quality water by managed aquifer recharge to provide safer groundwater in areas facing water scarcity ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSS-1-4: Geophysical solutions to enhance MAR siting and monitoring:Denys Grombacher, Jesper Pedersen, and Anders Vest Christiansen ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session 1-23: Centralization of Youth Initiatives in DigitalizingandCircularing Water SustainabilityLead Organiser: Indonesia Green Action Forum (IGAF) PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentKEY WATER PRIORITIES (HYDRODIPLOMACY) FOR YOUTH THAT WE BRING TO THE 10TH WORLD WATER FORUMLuca Jendrek - European YouthDelegate at World WaterCouncil ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentCENTRALIZATION OF YOUTH INITIATIVES IN DIGITALIZING AND CIRCULARING WATER SUSTAINABILITYMr. Neil Andika - Researcher ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentYouth for Water Security UNESCO IHP and UNESCO Recommendations For UNESCO Water-Culture IntegrationProf Shahbaz Khan ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentA Sustainable Water FutureMr. Shawn Seah - PUB ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentGrain yield analysis under climate change and water resources constraintsReporter:Aijun Guo Xi'an University of Technology ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1_2_8: Hydrodynamic Investigation on an Array of Wave Energy Converters Integrated into an Aquaculture CageChen Chen,BoyinDing,DezhiNing POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-17: How does water help to achieve Double Carbon goals from the basic logic of carbon neutralityZhuowei Fan, Deputy director general/Senior engineer, Development Research Center of the Ministry of Water Resources of P.R.China POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-38: Research on the Spatial Organization Pattern of Waterfront Development Based on HydrodynamicsMs. Xiaoru Lin, Ms. Shiyu Wang, Mr. Youyi Huang, Mr. Jing Zhu, Ms. Yingying Zhang POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-49: Profit and Ecological scheduling of Agricultural ReservoirLONG Wei POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-31: Cooling Effect of Urban Waters in Mitigating Heat IslandsHuizi Zhang,Yaping Wang,Bing Wen POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentYouth for Water Security Open Science for Water youth-centered innovation in UNESCO Water-Culture IntegrationDr Ai Sugiura - Programme Specialist for Natural Sciences, UNESCO ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-4-27: Benefit analysis and understanding of the east route of the South-to-North Water Transfer ProjectWenyan Chen ,Yueyun Chen ,Pengqi Ding POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-4-38: Evaluation of groundwater overexploitation and identification of overexploitation factorsHui Guo, ZiDong Qin, Bo Cao, QingYan Sun POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster presentation - Analysis of climate change impact on snowmelt and ice melt processes in the Shaluli Mountain plateauMr. wang zhengyong, SICHUAN HYDROLOGICAL AND WATER RESOURCES SURVEY CENTER POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster - Study on runoff and sediment evolution and driving factors of Dagu RiverHU Meng,SONG Wei,LIU Kejin,WU Zhen,LEI Bingxiao,WANG Yi POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster: Research on the judgment Method of Hydrological Year Type under the influence of human activities POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentStudy on the Natural Water Resources and Its Variation Characteristics of Erhai (Plateau Lake) in Recent 67 YearsLi Hongyan POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster: The second Comprehensive Scientific investigation and research exhibition series on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateauba lha, dor Ben, ouzhu ZHA Xi POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster: Developing a vine copula model to simulate and predict long serial lake water levelsShixiang Gu , Yanling Wei, Jing Chen, Zhong Zhao, Rong Gao, Jinming Chen, Zekun Gao, Mengqi He, Gang Chen, Jing Li POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSS-6-1-3: Governance and Protection of Major Rivers andLakesLead Organiser: Changjiang Water Resources Commission of the Ministryof Water Resources(CWRC) PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1_1_72: Analysis of Water Resources Evolution andComprehensiveManagement Countermeasures in Arid Zone of LongchuanRiverBasinin Central YunnanDai Hua-min, LI Xue-kui, He Meng-xiong, Kang Li POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1_2_4: Study on synergistic development mode across water, energy, food and ecology for drogught irrigation district under uncertainties

Youzhi Wang, Qiangkun Li, Wenge Zhang, Huijuan Yin

Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-4: The communication of the Yellow River water culture in Ningxia from the perspective of high-quality developmentLiu Shenshen - Jiangsu University POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-6: Water energy environment nexus under different urbanization patterns: a sensitivity based framework for identifying key feedbacksYe Zhao, Xiang Zhang, Jing Xu, Joseph S. Smith, Jun Xia, Haifeng Jia POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-50: Response of flow capacity of Jingjiang Sankou spillway to variation of upstream water and sediment processJian Shen POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-26: Dam and reservoir extraction based on adaptive remote sensing images with multi scale featuresRuchun Yang POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS15 O-1-2-60: Spatial Analysis of the Water-Energy nexus in the Yellow River BasinYinshuang Xia - Tongji university ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-27: Detection of harmful algal blooms in remote sensing images based on multi feature difference and random forestRuchun Yang POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-37: A model for optimal regulation of soil and water resources in agro ecosystems under climate change based on climate data processingYingshan Chen - School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, 150030 POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-39: Research on Xiaohui Su,Le Bai,Enkuan Li,Zhaoyue Li POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-3-43: Research on Strategic Solutions for Developing a Modern Integrated Plateau Water Network in YunnanZHAO Shao-xi, CHEN Jin-ming, LIU Ding-wei, LI YuanYuan, SU Jiang-guang, ZHOU Yun, JIANG Ru-Cheng POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-4-15: Analysis of Drought Evolution Characteristics in Southwest China during Recent 50 YearsMrs. ZHAO Lanlan, Mr. JIN Guizhong, Mr. SHI Peng POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-4-30: Problems and countermeasures for water resource security in dry-hot valleys of the JinshaRiver in Yunnan provinceYang Tao,Zhao Shaoxi,Liu Dingwei,Jiang Rucheng,Zhou Li,Xu Xiaodong POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-4-33: Research on Water Safety Security for City Clusters in Central YunnanCHEN Jin-ming, ZHAO Shao-xi, ZHOU Yun, SU Jiang-guang, JIANG Ru-Cheng, LI Ying-jin, LIU Ding-wei POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-4-35: Study on induced polarization method based on differential transformation in karst area surveyZiming Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-5-8: South to North Water Diversion’s influence on the restoration of groundwater resources in BeijingXia Wu, Moyuan Yang, Guangyao Duan, Xingyao Pan, Yong Yang, Binghua Li POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-6-19: Water level variation and its driving factors in Lake Dianchi,Fuxian and Yangzong during 1988-2015HE Kediao, GAO Wei, DUAN Changqun, ZHU Yuangao, PAN Ying, LIU Chang’e, ZHANG Wei and YANG Guiying POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-7-6: Variation characteristics of meteorological and hydrological factors and Attribution analysis of runoff variation in Qinhuai River BasinZhang Gu, Luo Xiao-chun, Huang liang, Wang Jia-hu POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-7-18: Agricultural Irrigation Management Model Based on FLUS and Aquacrop under Climate ChangeHaiyan Li POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentPoster 1-7-22: Implementation path of carbon emission reduction in water industry under the background of Double CarbonYu Cai , Yanzhao Qiu, Li Han , Lanqin Yang POSTER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-1-7-13: Impacts of Future Climate Change on Water Footprint of Maize in Different Agricultural Production System in ChinaProf. Shikun Sun ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-1-7-17: Evaluation of the water security indices of multi purpose dams in Korea based on climate stress scenariosTaehyeong Kim ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-3-41: Analysis of multi-region direct/indirect socioeconomic effects of the Three Gorges Project - 三峡工程的直接和间接社会经济与环境效益核算与分析张剑楠 Jiannan Zhang ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session 1-20: Hydro - meteorological extremes and urban sustainable development inachanging environmentOrganization: Wuhan University PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS11 O-1-1-47: Water-Ecology-Economy Nexus in Endorheic River Basin under Changing EnvironmentDr. Geng Niu, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS11 O-1-1-49: Temporal variability of catchment storage-discharge characteristics and their driving mechanisms in cold regionDr. Zhicheng Xu, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSession RS11 O-1-1-69: Quantitative Evaluation of Groundwater–Surface Water Interactions: Application of Cumulative Exchange Fluxes MethodDr. Mingqian Li, School of Ecology and Environment, Institute of Disaster Prevention ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session 1-9: Green economic development and ecological protection – the Yangtze River Economic Belt InitiativeOrganisation: ADB PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session 1-25: Implementing the 2030 Sustainable DevelopmentAgenda - Sustainable Water Resources UtilizationandGreen Development in HunanLead Organiser: Hunan Provincial Department of Water Resources The People’s Government of Chenzhou Municipality PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-17: Integrated Water and Environment Management Basedon ET/EC/ES Target ValuesLead Organiser: Tsinghua University PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS15 O-1-3-18: Zoning management for the regulation of geothermal energy exploitation in ChinaPresenter: Mrs. Yan Yang, Hohai University/General Insititute of Water Resouces and Hydropower Planning and Design ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS15 O-1-3-45: Climate Resilient Infrastructure In Indian Cities - Development and Water in ChennaiPresenter: Mr. Saman Jain, CEPT University ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS15 O-1-2-6: Decomposition and decoupling analysis of water consumption from economic growth across 31 Chinese provinces from 2003 to 2019Presenter: Miss. yanjun wang, sichuan university ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS15 O-1-3-47: Study on the correlation between urban water consumption and socio-economic development with its application for urban water consumption predictionPresenter: Ms. Sizhong He, College of Hydrology and Water Resources, Hohai University ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS15 O-1-2-15: Modeling the water-energy-food-environment nexus and transboundary cooperation opportunity in the Brahmaputra River BasinPresenter: Miss. Jiaqing Wang, Tsinghua University ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS15 O-1-2-2: The Effect of Urban Conditions, External Influences, and O&M Efficiency on Urban Water System from the Nexus PerspectivePresenter: Mr. Seo Hyung Choi, UNESCO i-WSSM ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-1: Environmental and socio-cultural factors of gender-baseddifferences in access to water, sanitation and hygiene(WaSH) insouth-south NigeriaLead Organiser: University of Uyo PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-6: Managing the Water-Energy-Food-EcosystemNexusin the Yellow River Basin (YRB)Lead Organiser: China Energy Modeling Forum (CEMF) PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-7-17: From Land to Sea - Engaging in Solutions with the World Water EnvoysOrganiser: IWRA PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-16: Characterizing Hydrological Response ina ChangingEnvironmentLead Organiser: Wuhan University PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-19: Indigenous Peoples Knowledge in water transmission and managementOrganizers: IWRA and UNESCO PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-22: Challenges and Response Strategies for WaterResources in Islands and Coastal Regions UnderChanging ClimateLead Organiser: Sun Yat-sen University, China PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-1-4-29: GRACE satellite-based estimation of groundwater storage changes and water balance analysis for the Haihe River BasinProf. Di Long, Prof. Yang Cai, Dr. Yingjie Cui, Dr. Yanhong Cui, Dr. Chen Li ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-1-4-12: The analysis of water security and challenges in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area based on RS and GISMiss. Jiang Xintong ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-1-4-39: Join Hands to Safeguard Water for LifeMr. Xinming Ma, Miyun District People's Government of Beijing Municipality ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-1-4-24: Current Situation and Management Effect of Water Resources in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Great Bay AreaMrs. Juan Li, Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute,Pearl River Water Conservancy Commission ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentO-1-4-6: Tradeoff between groundwater and food production in the deep groundwater overexploited area of North China PlainDr. Pei Li, Prof. Li Ren ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentOral O-1-4-8: Assessment and Prediction of water security and obstacle diagnosis of water source in the Yellow river BasinMs. Zhengyu Guo, Prof. Chenhao Jin, Prof. Shenbei Zhou ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-2: Global water-climate-human nexus modelingbasedon process upscalingLead Organiser: Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, CAS PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session: SS-1-14: Water Security and CitiesOrganizers: i-WSSM, IWRA, UNESCO PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-12: A NEW VISION FOR INTEGRATED WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: ASystems Approach to Delivering Water to SocietyOrganizers: World Water Council and Texas A&M University PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS129: Ecohydrology: Harmonising Water for Humans and NatureLead Organiser: UNESCO-IHP, Paris, France PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS30 Oral O-1-4-38: Research on the practice of ecological compensation for strategic reserve of water resources of Miyun Reservoir in Beijing based on the realization of ecological product valueProf. Dongchun Ma, Mr. Xujiang Xia, Dr. Xiaoxia Zhang PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS30 O-1-4-61: Ideas and Contermeasures for China’s Economic Water SecurityPresenter: Mr. Jun He PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS30 Oral O-1-4-14: Evolutionary response and countermeasures of typical urbanization rainstorm in YunnanPresenter: Mr. Dongsheng WANG, Yunnan Provincial Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS30 Oral O-1-4-20: An analysis of different vegetation restoration measures affecting rainfall infiltration in small catchments on the Chinese Loess PlateauPresenter: Miss. Ruoxuan Li, Sichuan University ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentANTHROPOGENIC ACTIVITIES IMPACTING ON THE SUPPLY OF WATER ECOSYSTEM SERVICES IN KAPINGAZI CATCHMENT, EMBU COUNTY, KENYAMs. Burnice Karimi Ireri, Prof. Paul M. Makenzi, Prof. Stanley M. Makindi, Dr. Peter A. Minang, Prof. John M. Mironga
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS30 Oral O-1-4-22: Research on Strategy of Water Supply Security System in Huangpu District,GuangzhouPresenter: Mr. Yang Yi bin, Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS30 Oral O-1-4-25: Considerations on several important issues in the construction of Yuanyang Terrace in the new eraMr. Ding-wei Liu, Dr. Li Zhou, Mr. Dong Jin ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-11: Adaptive Water Resources Management UnderChanging EnvironmentOrganiser: Wuhan University PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-13: Soil for Society NetworkOrganizers: Texas A&M University, University of Wisconsin, University of Nebraska, Policy Center for the New South PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-15: Special Session: Water Security and Climate AdaptationOrganizers: UNESCO, i-WSSM, IWRA PAPER
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS34 Oral O-1-5-6:Assessing Global Water and Food Security Challenges: Rethinking on MethodsDr. Dinesh Kumar MANHACHERY, Prof. Om Prakash Singh ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS34 Oral O-1-5-12: Risks and Countermeasures of Aquatic Ecological Environment in the Three Gorges ReservoirPresenter: Ms. Bao Jie Jia, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS34 Oral O-1-6-4: Analysis of groundwater vulnerability in the suburbs of Dakar - SenegalDr. Edouard DIOUF, Dr. COLY ADRIEN, Mr. DIALLO Mamadou
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS34 Oral O-1-5-17: Study on Water Resources Carrying Capacity Evaluation and Regional Control Strategy in the Yellow River BasinDr. Rui Ma, Dr. Yunling Li, Mr. Shinan Tang, Mr. Qifeng He, Dr. Jun He  ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentRS34 Oral O-1-6-1: Adaptability analysis of water pollution and advanced industrial structure in Jiangsu Province, ChinaPresenter: Dr. Yang Kong, Hohai University ORAL
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing EnvironmentSpecial Session SS-1-10: Optimal crop distribution under climate-water spatio temporal changesLead Organiser: Peking University - PKU PAPER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesService function of Asia Water TowersXiao Cunde ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesImpacts of Cryospheric Shrinking on Water Resources in ChinaShichang Kang(康世昌),Rensheng Chen(陈仁升),Yong Yang(阳勇) ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesSS-2-2: Tackling challenges in water resource in a changing climateTONG Yao, GAO Xuejie, HAN Zhenyu, XU Ying, GIORGI Filippo ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesGlobal Water Cycle Change and Risk of Extreme Hydrological Eventsong Luo - (presented by Hui Lu) ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesDujiangyan Project: a Paragon of armonious Coexistence between Man and NatureMr. Zehua Zhu, Director General, Dujiangyan Water Conservancy, Development Center, Sichuan Province ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPerspectives on eco-water security and ecological water conservancyJun XIA - Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesIntegrated Governance of Water resources, Water Ecology and Water Environment for the Consolidation of Water Security in MegacitiesMr. Zhijiang Ou, Director, Water Resources Bureau of Chengdu City ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesFlood risk assessment and response under climate change from global to local scalesHuan Wu Zhijun Huang, Weitian Chen, Lulu Jiang, Ying Hu, Chaoqun Li ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesSS-2-2: XVIII World Water Congress - Tackling challenges in water resource in a changing climateFuture Earth Global Secretariat Hub China ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesEffect evaluation of comprehensive control measures for groundwater over-exploitation in BeijingProfessor Binghua Li - Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesSpecial Session -2-9: Precious Water Forever: Practices and inspirationsofeco-friendl water conservancy ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesAnalysis of Domestic Water Demand under Different Drought Conditions:A Case Study of Hunan Province, China Miss. He Chen, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesApplication of Ultrasonic Meter Box for Open Channel in Western Area in ChinaMs. Yan Song, Beijing Huashui Metering Company ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesResearch framework of threshold determination method in hierarchical grading of water demandDr. He Huaxiang, China institute of water resources and hydropower research ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPlanning, management and protection of water resources in Italy: the River Contract experienceDr. Marco Arcieri
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesClimate change resilience with Smart Agricultural Drainage SystemsDr. Mohamed Wahba, Egyptian Ministry of Water Resources, Vice President Honorary of ICID ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral 0-2-3-19: Innovative Practice of Investment and Financing in Meijiang Irrigation Project in Jiangxi Province黄一凡/Huang Yifan ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesSS-2-1: Water Security - Mission and Vision -The Forum on High-Quality Development of National Water Network and South-to-North Water DiversionOrganisation: China South-to-North Water Diversion Group PAPER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster 2-2-58: Study on optimal allocation of water resources in Songnen Plain POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-2-53: Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of Unconventional Water Resources Utilization in Shaanxi ProvinceJiawei Kou - Northwest Engineering Corporation Limited ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-3-14: Application of decentralized water supply in rural water supply projects in Southwest mountainous areasPENG GUIFANG - YUNNAN ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING DESIGN COMPANYLIMITED ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-2-56: Strategy for evaluating groundwater resource quantity under freeze/thaw in mountainous areasHe Wang - Disaster prevention science and technology institute ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-1-10: Influence Factors on Reference Crop Water Consumption in Zhengzhou City, Henan ProvinceXuefang Feng, Songmei Zai, Feng Wu, Yuzhong Zhang POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-1-27 Spatial Matching Pattern and Difference Analysis of Water and Soil Resources in Hunan ProvinceLong Qiubo POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-4: Practice on the construction of intelligent water affairs management system for coal mine water intakeYifei Jia, Xiangyu Zhang, Enkuan Li, Qiangkun Li POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-10: Status recognition of water supply network based on neural network and IoTZHU Jun, LUO Lincong, XING Xin, HAN Jie POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-8: Ecological Flow Target and Guarantee Scheme of the Yongding RiverWANG Zhe POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-12: Countermeasures and Measures for Groundwater Overload Control in Typical Areas of the Yellow River BasinXinwei Guo POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoste P-2-2-17: A Regional Scale Crop Water Footprint Quantification Method Based on SWAT-MODFLOW ModelLuan Xiaoboa, Sun Shikuna, Wang Yubaoa POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-20: Benefit Analysis of Water Saving and Carbon Emission Reduction in a University in ShanghaiTAN Qingwen POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-31: On-line detection technology of flow meter in water supply network based on the principle of district metering area and mass balanceCong Lin Luo, Gang Wang, Xin Xing, Jun Zhu, Song Ming Zhong POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-60: A Penman Monteith-based model for the evaluation of daily remotely sensed evapotranspirationXueminLi, JunruiWang, SuchuangDi, RonglinTang, YazhenJiang, XuliZan POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-38: Study on optimal allocation mechanism of near natural ecological water replenishment POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-52: Feature selection of acoustic signals for leak detection in water pipelinesZiyang Xua, Haixing Liu, Guangtao Fu, Yukai Zeng, Yunchen Li POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-2-45: Practical exploration of improving water use efficiency in coastal areas of northern China --- Weihai City, Shandong Province as an exampleMs. Shangyu Wang - WEIHAI HYDROLOGY CENTER POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster 2-2-57: The construction of property rights system of water resources assets in BeijingLi Han, Zhonghua Han, Ruihui Chen, Xiujuan Fan, Guizhen Sun POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster 2-2-62: Improving Large-flow Stratified and Superficial Water Intake System with Mechanical TechniquesChen Ruowei, Li Xincai,Ma Xueli POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster: Spatial supply-demand balance of health and failure consequence for urban sewage pipesJinjun Zhou, Yali Pang, Hao Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-3-11: Estimating Groundwater Recharge in Pecan Fields Under Different Irrigation SystemsJorge Preciado, Alexander Fernald, Richard Heerema, Salim Bawazir POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-3-16: Irrigated well room recognition based on high resolution remote sensing image and deep learning algorithmXuli Zan, Suchuang Di, Xuemin Li, HangZhang , YueWang POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-4-4: Study on the Rational Allocation of Regional Reclaimed Water Based on the System Coupling Coordination Criterion POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-4-5: Study on refined allocation technology of urban reclaimed water utilizationQin Guoshuai, FANG Kai, CHEN Chen, Li Xinyue, WANG Yandong, WU Liangman POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-4-11: Utilization of poultry manure wastewater by mixotrophic cultivation of microalga Auxenochlorella protothecoidesI. Langousi, G. Markou, D. Arapoglou POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-5-1: Effect, problems and promotion measures of water-saving tax incentive policies in ChinaPengfei CAO, ZexingLIU - Water Conservation Promotion Center of the Ministry of Water Resources POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-5-9: Promote agricultural water-saving in southern China by economic meansXuerong Li, Water Economics and Management Research Center, Nanchang Institute of Technology POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-5-11: The Impact of Water Price Reform on Planting Structure from the Perspective of Farmer DifferentiationXinyue Zhang, Bo Lei, Minghao Bai POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-5-2: A Study on Full-Diameter Water Price Reform Based on Water Resource Allocation and Water-saving OrientationShaomei Chen,Wei Liu,Dongyan Liu,Yongkang Sun,Shixiang Gu,Xin Chen POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesPoster P-2-7-2: Exploring and Practicing the Implementation Path of Integrated Urban and Rural Water Supply in Yunnan ProvinceTANG Yi,LIN Wei,ZHAO Shaoxi,WU Lei,MAO changshu POSTER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesRS16 O-2-5-10: Practice and Exploration of water right and water Price Reform in water-saving rewardPresenter: Ms. Xue Jiang, Si Chuan University ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesRS16 O-2-5-17: Understanding the paradox of irrigation efficiency from the perspective of water pricing impacts on irrigation behaviorPresenter: Miss. Shiruo Hu, Tsinghua University ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesRS16 O-2-7-6: A methodological approach in utilising the advances of geomatics in water distribution networks designPresenter: Dr. Nasser Tuqan, Newcastle University ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesSpecial Session SS-2-8: Smart Water Management in China: state of the art technologies and policy developmentsOrganiser: International Water Resources Association PAPER
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-4-8: What is the suitable sampling frequency for water quality monitoring in full-scale constructed wetlands treating tail water?Dr. Siyuan Song, Dr. Sheng Sheng, Mr. Jianqiang Xu, Prof. Dehua Zhao ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-4-12: Magnetic Fe3O4@SiO2 study on adsorption of MO on nanoparticles - 磁性介孔二氧化硅纳米粒子对MO染料废水的静电吸附Presenter: Miss. 焕焕 靳, 东北农业大学 ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-4-13: Water-saving optimization design of aggregate processing plant and recycled water utilization for producing concreteDr. Xia Chen, Miss. Qi Lu, Dr. Zeyu Fan, Dr. Xian Zhou, Mrs. Ziling Peng, Dr. Zhuo Fan Gao, Dr. Shanshan Deng, Dr. Wei Han ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-4-16: Incorporating climate co-benefits into municipal wastewater treatment system development: A cased study in Hebei and Guangdong ProvinceMs. Han Gao, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-4-14: Desalination performance enhanced by in-situ growing ZIF-8 nanoparticles into thin-film composite reverse osmosis membranes for unconventional water purificationDr. Zhuofan Gao, Prof. Chen Gang, Dr. Xia Chen, Dr. Zeyu Fan, Dr. Xian Zhou, Dr. Shanshan Deng, Ms. Ziling Peng, Miss. Qi Lu, Dr. Xiaohu Yan, Mr. Ze Fang, Dr. Wei Han
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesOral O-2-4-17: The optimization of polluted stormwater treatment plants’ location and scale in coal portMr. Jiaqi Guo, Dr. Qi Tian, Prof. Wenyuan Wang, Prof. Zijian Guo, Miss. Shujie Zhao ORAL
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and ServicesSpecial Session SS-2-3: Advanced Technology on Un-conventional WaterAllocation and UtilizationLead Organiser: Hohai University PAPER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationThe drought prevention and water supply in Pearl River during 2021-2022 dry seasonMr. Weiwen Pan ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationResponse of typical vegetation ecosystems to hotter droughts under a changing climateProf. Chunyu Dong, Sun Yat-sen University ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationComparative study for daily streamflow simulating with different machine learning methodsMiss. Ruonan Hao, Anhui University of Science & Technology ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationNonlinear interaction of tide-storm-runoff during coastal floods in Pearl River EstuaryMr. Shikun Hu, School of Civil Engineering,Sun Yat-sen University ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationInvestigation of Heavy Rainfall Induced Runoff Analysis at Small Catchment Scale by Using Distributed Runoff ModelsDr. Yulong Zhu, North China Electric Power University ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationFlood Disaster Characteristics and Coping Strategies under Changing EnvironmentLi Aihua - General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower, China ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationFactors affecting investment in flood protection in ChinaKoji Watanabe - 渡辺 浩司 ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationEnhancing Resilience to future Hydro-meteorological extremes in the Mun river basin in Northeast of Thailand (ENRICH project)Dibesh Khadka - Asian Institute of Technology (AIT),Thailand ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationSpecial Session 3-9: Climate Change Risk and Countermeasures: BuildingResilience for Sustainable Development ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationThe main challenges and technical requirements of drought disaster resistance in the Yangtze River Basin 长江流域干旱灾害应对的主要难点及科技需求Prof. Jijun Xu, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationLearning in the Context of Multilevel Flood Risk Governance: A Conceptual Framework Ms. lijie dong, University of Groningen ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationMitigation measures to alleviate the adverse impacts of drought-flood abrupt alternation on summer maize farmland systemsDr. Wuxia Bi, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationA large-scale waterlogging investigation in highly urban area of BeijingDr. Lu Liu, Development Research Center, Ministry of Water Resources ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationCharacteristics analysis of drought events in the Yangtze River Basin based on water balanceDr. Jinjun You, China Institute of Water Resources & Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationAn IWRM Perspective on Water and Climate ResilienceLaurent-Charles Tremblay-Levesque - IWRM and Knowledge Management Specialist ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationDevelopment process and effect of Sponge city construction in China - from LID to Systematic GovernanceDr. ZHANG Cheng ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationDevelopment in Water Resources Management in IndonesiaFirdaus Ali, Ph.D. ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationWater Sector Resilience to Disaster Risk and Climate ChangeAnnisa Dian Pratiwi ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationASSESSING LONG-TERM ECONOMIC VIABILITY: A CASE STUDY OF FLOOD PROTECTION INVESTMENTMikio Ishiwatari, PhD - Japan International Cooperation Agency ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationXVII World Water Congress: Climate Change Adaptation for Building Resilience in the Water SectorKarin Krchnak - Managing Director, Sustainability - American Chemistry Council ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-14: Process-oriented SWMM Real-time Correction and Urban Flood Dynamic SimulationBingyan Ma, Jing Guo, Leilei Zhang, Zening Wu, Caihong Hu POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-3-44: Experiences of Systematic Governance of Flood in Ganzhouand its EnlightenmentLi jiao, Luo lin, Development Research Center of the Ministry of Water Resources of P.R.China POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-3-24: Analysis of drought characteristics and risks in plateau area of central YunnanJing Chen,Tianli Zhang,ShixiangGu,Gang Chen,JinmingChen,ZiqiYan,ZuhaoZhou POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-10: Improving streamflow forecasting from the perspective of objective functionYongen Lin, Dagang Wang, Jinxin Zhu, Wei Sun, Chaopeng Shen, Wei Shangguan POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-23: The flood meteorological risk warning system based on GIS and its applicationYuansen Huang , Yue Wu, Hao Jiang POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-6-4: Climate change adaptation benefits from rejuvenating irrigation schemes in Tanzania, Zimbabwe and MozambiqueHonorary Professor Henning Bjornlund ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-7-6: Integrated assessment of multiple characteristics for extreme climatic events under climate changeDr. Qingsong Wu, Prof. and Dr. Qiting Zuo ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-6-8: Climate change impact on community water kiosks and resilience A study in rural CambodiaGuillaume MARTIN - UVSQ-Paris Saclay, Laboratoire Larequoi ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-7-13: An interpretable machine learning approach for mapping urban pluvial flood susceptibilityMr. Ze Wang, Dalian University of Technology ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-7-1: Non-stationary GEV Modeling of Precipitation ExtremesMr. Murat Yegin, Middle East Technical University ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS13 Submission O-3-7-60: The Flood Elasticity under Changing Conditions: An Application in a Tropical Monsoon Basin of ThailandPresenter: Baoxu Zhao ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS13 Submission O-3-7-2: Global human exposure to urban riverine floods and stormsProf. Olli Varis, Aalto University ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS13 Submission O-3-7-7: Assessing the vulnerability of coastal groundwater quality to climate change impacts in Cape Coast, GhanaProf. Simon Mariwah, University of Cape Coast ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS13 Submission O-3-7-23: Assessing the Risk of Earth-Rockfill Dam Failure in Cascade Watersheds: A Comprehensive ReviewMr. Lucheng Zhang, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS13 Submission O-3-7-10: Cost-sharing for managing water-related disasters: Comparative study between Japan and USDr. Mikio Ishiwatari, The University of Tokyo ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-20: Technical Research on Operational Application of the OTS Correction Method for Numerical Model Precipitation ForecastLIU Huijun, WU Qishu, WEI Guofei POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-21: Spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of rainstorm and flood disasters in yunnan in recent 30 yearsLi Baofen, Li Bergen, Zhang Kun, Yu Shoulong, Wang Dongsheng, Li Zengguo POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-22: Thoughts on the development of agricultural climate resilience under the frequent occurrence of extreme meteorological disasters.Wang Kui, Sichuan Academy of Water Conservancy POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-58: Study on waterlogging control in highly built up urban areas based on MIKE coupling modelQingqian TAN, FaShun CHENG, Shuai CAI POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationSpecial Session SS-3-2: Debate – Flooding: A social issue? Anatural sciencechallenge? An engineering problem?Lead Organiser: The International Conferences on Flood Management (ICFM)
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-28: Analysis of Autumn Flood Characteristics, Disaster Impacts and Water Resources Regulation of the Weihe RiverFENG Pulin, WANG Haijun, LI Qian, ZHANG Linlin, BAO Suili, WU You POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-34: Analysis on the recurrence period of the Autumn flood during 2021 in the Zhanghe River BasinHui Fan,Yu Chen,Lin Wei, Shipan Fan POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-36: The projections of China precipitation and extreme eventRongsheng Jiang, Ming Sun, Xiao Shi POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-41: A Siphon-Type Emergency Flood Discharging TechnologyYanqiang Wang, Zhigang Wang, Zhuo Yang, Dong Zhang and Jingbo Yu POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-1-43: Advance in Flood Disaster Assessment and Risk ManagementLei Zhao and Yuankun Wang - North China Electric Power University POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster 3-1-49: Application of Hydrologic Telemetry System of Karot Hydropower Station Based on Beidou Communication TechnologySonglin DENG, Jun YANG POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster 3-1-59: Reconsideration and strategy research on the construction of resilient cities under the extreme weatherXiaoxia Zhang , Yuchao Li, Dongchun Ma POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster 3-1-55: Analysis of Flood Evolution and Operation Mode in Mega CityLI Yongkun, ZHAO Xiaowei, YANG Zhongshan, ZANG Min, FU Chunmei POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-2-4: Application of Reverse preview technical in flood prevention in the autumn floods of the Yellow River in 2021Mrs. Zhu Bing, Mr. Kong Xiangyi, Miss. Cai Hehe POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-3-42: Study on the Main Influencing Factors of Natural Forest and Grass Growth in Arid Area Taking the Aksu River Basin as an ExamplePresenter: Wenbin Dong, Co author: Prof. Songhao Shang POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-3-32: Impact Analysis on Natural Cutoff Formation in Jingjiang River under Water and Sediment Condition - A Case of Natural Cutoff at ShatanziLi Mi, Lu Xiang , Li Hongxiang , Zhu Lingling POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-3-34: Transplanting and Analyzing the Extreme Rainfall Event of Zhengzhou “7.20” Heavy Rainstorm: A Study in Rizhao CityWeiqi Wang, Fan Wang - China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-3-45: Study on Flood Control Operation of Reservoir Group at Zishui River BasinMs. Ling Li POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-3-37: Research progress on the impact of ecological construction on the flood processGang WANG, Nan WU, Denghua YAN, Minglei REN, Cheng ZHANG, Xiaoming JIANG POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationMagnitude, frequency and timing of floods in the HongzeLake: Characteristics, causes, and impacts POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-5: Comparison of flash flood early-warning indicators considering soil moisture variabilityZhai Xiaoyan, Liu Ronghua, Liu Qi, Wang Xuemei POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-9: Practice and technical application of flood forecasting facility platform for multi-source spatial information in ChinaDr. Yiwen zhang and Dr. Gengyao Tan POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-24: Application of Water Affairs Video edge computing Technology in Flood and Drought Disaster MonitoringMingjie Nie - Beijing Research Institute of Smart Water POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-27: Spatio-temporal deformation prediction of diversion tunnel based on machine learning multivariate data fusionZenghui Bi POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-36: Real-time unit hydrograph optimization based on K-NN and meta-heuristic algorithm POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-5-46: The study of early-warning and forecast of rainfall-runoff process real-time matching based on data miningSiminYang, YongkunLi, XiaohongHu, Jing Shubin POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-6-9: Resilience Improvement of Water Project Based on New Emergency Power SupplyXiandong LI,Yellow River Water and Hydroelectric Development Corporation POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-7-11: Mitigation of transboundary river flood effect by riparian country reservoirs joint operationJiayan Zhanga, Yu Li , Bingyao Zhang, Huicheng Zhou POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-7-13: The construction of digital twinning platform in the Yongjiang River Basin from the perspective of resilient citiesLI Chun-Lei, CAI Zan-Ji,LIU Tie-Chui, XING Ming-Ming, BAI Jue-Ying POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-7-18: Improving the market penetration of flood insurance by considering positive externality: A global scale assessmentShibo Cui, Jiaqing Wang, Jianshi Zhao POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationPoster P-3-7-29: Risk assessment of flood disaster based on extreme rainstorm transposition in central BeijingHU Xiaohong , LI Yongkun POSTER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS-19 O-3-3-15: Risk Assessment of Landslide Dam Failure: Current Concepts, Methods, and ChallengesDr. Meng Yang, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS19 O-3-3-7: Integrating Nature-based Solutions into policies for flood risk management in the NetherlandsDr. Liping Dai, Utrecht University ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationSpecial Session SS-3-1: Advance in Flood Disaster Assessment andRiskManagementLead Organiser: Nanjing University PAPER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS19 O-3-3-13: Performance assessment of sponge city development at multiple scales based on 1D/2D coupled modeling and monitoring: a case study in national pilot cityProf. Wei Zhang, Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationSpecial Session SS-3-5: Nature-based Solutions for water-relateddisasterprevention and mitigationLead Organiser: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research(IWHR) PAPER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-4-60: Review of flood risk management from lens of sustainable developmentJianting CAO ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-4-5: Rainwater harvesting using check dams in gully of Ili Valley, ChinaProf. Wentai Zhang, Mrs. Guiqing Hu ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-4-6: Study on Hydrological Forecast Scheme for Water Replenishment Regulation of Longtan Reservoir in the Xijiang River BasinPresenter: Mr. Kangming Lu, Bureau of Hydrology of Pearl River Water Resources Commission ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-4-15: Practice and effectiveness of water and sediment regulation in the Yellow River under the new situationMr. Yongtao Cao, Mrs. Enhui Jiang, Dr. Linjuan Xu, Dr. Pengfei He ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-2-14: Discussion on layout of flood control -tide- project in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay AreaPresenter: Mr. Liao Xiaolong, China Water Resources Pearl River Planning survey and Design Co. LTD
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-5-12: Regional Case Study on Flooding Risk Zoning and Prevention Zoning MethodsDr. Benyou Jia, Dr. Guoqing Liu, Dr. Jingxiu Wu, Dr. Fan Yang, Mrs. Chang Yang, Prof. Ziwu Fan ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-5-19: Timely estimating the spatiotemporal distribution of urban street ponding levels from surveillance videos based on computer visionMr. Shun'an Zhou, Dr. Heng Lv, Prof. Chi Zhang
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-5-8: Impact mechanism of soil moisture re-distribution on runoff generation in hillslopes and early warning of flash floodProf. Yangwen Jia, Prof. Cunwen Niu, Dr. Cunfeng Hao, Dr. Junkai Du, Prof. Jiajia Liu ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-5-25: Using Remote Sensing Technologies for Detection and Monitoring Soil Contamination and Remediation as a Model of Risk Prediction to Water ResourcesMx. Zainab Ashkanani, WEF Nexus Research Group - Texas A&M University ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-5-5: Towards flood risk reduction: spatial and temporal hydrological regime variation and measures to build flood control resilience over the Taihu BasinMiss. Juan WU, Prof. Hejuan LIN
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationOral O-3-5-38: Old is Gold: Integrating indigenous knowledge into the national Early Warning System for strengthening Sudanese Agro-pastoral Communities ResilienceMiss. Bouran Awad Hassan Mohammed, CIMA Research Foundation
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationSpecial Session SS-3-6: Improving Resilience of Water InfrastructureProjectfor Extreme EventsLead Organiser: Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute (NHRI) PAPER
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS31 Oral O-3-5-1: A New Approach for River Discharge Calculation and Real-time Measurement: Two Vertical Lines Energy Slope (TLES) Methodology and its ApplicationMs. Chenxi LI, Mr. Jun Zong, Mr. Zhan Ma ORAL
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS31 Oral O-3-5-43: Assessing the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on the Hydrodynamics of the Valle de León Aquifer in Mexico Using a Combination of Modeling ToolsMr. Pablo Andrés Pineda Capacho, Dr. Manuel Martinez Morales
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationRS31 Oral O-3-5-2: Exploring the role of flood early-warning and forecasting system in urban flood risk and response managementMs. Chenxi LI, Ms. Minghui YU, Ms. Guiyun PENG, Ms. Nan ZHANG, Ms. Ziying LU, Mr. Zhongtai KOU
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and MitigationSpecial Session SS-3-7: Water Ecological Restoration in Water Shortage RegionsOrganiser: The Society for Ecological Rehabilitation of Beijing PAPER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRiver and Lake Chief System:a New Model of Water Control in ChinaMs. Xueyan Wei ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSS-4-18: Durable Protection and Finance Innovation for Water and Freshwater Ecosystem - Investing in NatureAndrea Erickson ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsResearch and practice of the influence of hydropower station construction on river connectivity during urbanizationProf. Shenfang Wang, Personal ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsModelling consumer-resource interactions to derive nutrient thresholds for a sustainable AnthropoceneDr. Manqi Chang, Yangtze Eco-Environment Engineering Research Center, China Three Gorges Corporation ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSS-4-18: Durable Protection and Finance Innovation for Water and Freshwater EcosystemBob Tansey ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSS-4-18!: Durable Protection and Finance Innovation for Water and Freshwater EcosystemDr. Daqing Chen - Researcher ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsBenthic diatom index for water quality biomonitoring of Danish running watersJuan Pablo Pacheco, Søren E. Larsen and Annette Baattrup-Pedersen ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSpecial Session 4-9: Green Hydropower and Sustainable DevelopmentInternational Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsHydraulic simulation models enabling digital operation and maintenance of water resource and hydropowerDr. Jiesheng Min, Vice President, Zhejiang Yuansuan Technology Co., Ltd ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsProgress of Water Pollution Prevention and Control in Industrial Parks in China ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsApplication of models in the assessment and prioritization of measures to obtain good ecological status in riversAnders Chr. Erichsen
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsInvestigation and assessment of freshwater ecosystem quality in the Taitema LakeWeijing Kong - Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSpecial Session-4-1: Clean water: how to monitor and improve the quality of surface water
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions中国小水电绿色发展与实践 - China’s Green Development of Small Hydropower Dr. Jincai Xu, Director General, International Center on Small Hydro Power (ICSHP) ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions分布式光伏与梯级小水电互补联合发电技术研究及应用示范 - Technology Research and Application Demonstration for Complementary Combined Power Generation of Distributed PV and Cascaded Small HydropowerMr. Pengzhu Shan, Technical Expert, NARI Group Corporation ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsExploration and Practice of Smart Hydroelectric power Plant - 智能水电厂发展实践及探索Mr. Jun Rui, Vice Manager of Research and Development Centre, Nanjing NARI Resources and Hydropower Technology Co., Ltd ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsGreen Small Hydropower Promotes Rural Revitalization in Xinchang CountyMr. Qingsong Wu, Director, Xinchang Water Resources and Hydropower Bureau ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsGreen Energy (Hydro Power) in EthiopiaShiferaw Demisei ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSpecial Session SS-4-2: Wetland ecohydrology and water resources managementLead Organiser: Northeast Institute of Geography and Agroecology, ChineseAcademy of Sciences PAPER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-4-3: The Experimental Research on Effects of Ship Navigation on Fish of Pearl RiverXU Guanbing - Pearl River Water Resources Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-4-6: Spatiotemporal variations and relationships of phosphorus and bacterial communities in water and sediments in Xiangxi riverPresenter: Dr. Jie Wen, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-1-58: Algae accumlation risk zoning in large shallow lakes - using Taihu Lake as an exampleDr. Sien Liu, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-4-18: Create a Yongding River watershed governance model to enhance the stability of the basin ecosystem in multiple dimensionsMiss. Shuang Shuang LI, Yongding River Investment CO., LTD, China ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-4-20: Study on River's Ecological Restoration and Water supply in the Dongliao River basinMr. He Shiliang, SongLiao Water Resources Commission ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-4-23: Practical Exploration on ecological environment restoration of degraded river - Taking Yongding River as an exampleMiss. Jie Feng, Yongding River Investment Co.,LTD ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS17 O-4-2-7: Dynamic characteristics and attributions of baseflow in the source region of the Yangtze RiverPresenter: Dr. Guangdong Wu, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS17 O-4-2-1: Building water connectivity in Huairou District for ecological developmentPresenter: Ms. Chenxi LI, Nanjing Research Institute of Hydrology and Water Conservation Automation, Ministry of Water Resources ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS17 O-4-4-8: Joint disposals of multi-source water resources for rehabilitating healthy water cycle in Lake Dianchi basinPresenter: Dr. Gang Chen, Yunnan Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydropower ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS21 O-4-3-3: Nitrogen fixation of Cyndon dactylon: a possible strategy coping with long-term flooding in the Three Gorges ReservoirDr. Shanze Li, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS21 O-4-3-1: Initialization of wetland offset market under development-restoration conflicts: the role of public offset credit supplyMrs. Yeqing Duan, Prof. Shenbei Zhou, Prof. Martin Drechsler ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS21 O-4-3-13: Ecological flow calculation and evaluation techniques: Past, present, and futureProf. Fang WANG, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS21 O-4-3-15: Response characteristics of individuals to different flooding conditions of submerged plant Vallisneria spinulosa Yan in Poyang Lake and implications for ecological restorationDr. Xu Ma, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research PAPER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS21 O-4-3-17: Migration characteristics and mechanism of the gravel-sand transition in the Yangtze River since 1975Dr. Zican He, Dr. Zhaohua Sun, Dr. Geng Qu, Dr. Hualong Luan, Dr. Wentao Lei ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-9: Study on Health Assessment of ShaheRiverin Boluo County, ChinaMa Xinghua, Zeng Biqiu - Pearl River Water Resources Research Institute POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-17: Study on the Change of Hydrological Regime of the Major Tributary in Tao River BasinLI Shu, ZHANG Fengran, ZHANG Fabin, WANG Zhiliang, BAI Ting POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-18: Distribution, driving forces, and risk assessment of 2-MIB and its producer in a drinking water source-oriented shallow lake POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-21: Analysis and evaluation of spatial carrying capacity of river lake water shoreline driven by spatial planning and river(lake) chief system.Meng Kong, Jianglin Qin, Fuguo Tian POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-26: Lake area change and its response to climate change in QiangTang PlateauDe Ji Yu Zhen Lha Pa - Tibet Autonomous Region Meteorological Bureau POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-36: Determination of minimum ecological water level in Erhai Lake based on lake morphology and hydrological characteristicsHe SHihua - Dali Branch of Yunnan hydrology and water resources Bureau,Dali Yunnan 671000 POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-37: Study on the optimization of Erhai health assessment index systemYANG Hua,LI Yanhua,WEN Hongxing,LI Hongyan POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-41: Spatial and temporal distribution of aquatic vegetation and chlorophyll a in East LakeShanshan Luo, Haiming Lu, Xiaoyan Chen, Kai Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-1-67: Simulation Analysis of Water Environment in Typical Watersheds of Beijing Based on System Dynamics ModelWANG Yan, SUN Yun-feng - Beijing Research Institute of Smart Water, Beijing 100036, China POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-2-11: Study on ecological flow accounting of high stress riversYu Xiao, ZhugeYisi, Li Guoqiang, Du Qiang, Tan Hongwu POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-2-14: Flow patterns and water mixing in a river confluenceLidi Shi, Binliang Lin, Jian Sun, Khosro Morovati POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-3-5: Strategies of Coastal Tidal Flats Protection and Restoration Management In the Yellow River Delta, ChinaQi Yue, Li Junsheng, Fu Gang POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-3-9: The Influence Mechanism of CSH Montmorillonite Interface Characteristics on Strength Properties of Cement Stabilized MontmorilloniteGe Jinyu,Wang Qiang, Peng Hu, Zhou Juan, Xu Fei, Qian Wenxun POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-4-11: Research and practical application of key technical measures for comprehensive management of water ecosystemYANG Lin, SU Wei-qiang, HUO Yu-guo POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-4-14: Research on Ecological Water Replenishment Scheme of Yilong Lake Based on Mike21 ModelQin Yinhui, Yang Zhi, Ma Wei, Chen Xin, Zhou Yun, Shu Guobiao, Luo Yuehui, Peng Fei POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-4-28: Lanthanum modified bentonite as a ballast to sink Microcystis cyanobacteria and inactivate phosphorus in eutrophic lake waterWENHAN ZHU, LIN GAN, ZIWU FAN - Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-5-2: Study on Ecosystem GEP Accounting of Liuyuankou National Water Conservancy Scenic Area in KaifengCAO Jingyi,LIU Changhui,FENG Sha,Ding yue,GENG Yubo,CHEN Minglu POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-5-6: Research on Value Assessment of Ecological Products in Water Beauty VillageHE Xinchun, LI Jinmei, XIE Lichun, LIU Weilin POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-6-2: Construction and simulation of frog-ways in irrigation and drainage canal systemsBI Bo, JIN Qiu, CHEN Dan, BI Lidong, CHEN Jing, TANG Shuhai POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-6-9: Assessing the conservation effectiveness of protected areas for fishes with dam impactsHeying Sun POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-6-10: Analysis of Yunnan Province's Water Resource Management Policy Based on Aquatic Biodiversity ConservationSiyu Ji POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-7: Study on Zones Classification, Management and Control Methods Based on Groundwater Functions in ChinaFengyueSun, Yuanyuan Li, LiliYu, et al. POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-14: Groundwater Controlling Level in Luliang CountyFu Dongshuai, Zhang Daiqing, Tao Chaoyu, Yang Qiuping POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-15: Responseof land surface water and heat fluxes to groundwater level changeJiangbo Han POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-19: Evolution of Groundwater Dynamic under the Influence of Treatment of Groundwater Overdraft in the North China PlainZHU Jingsi POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-23: Intelligent Supervision and Health Risk Assessment of Groundwater in BeijingYANG Pu, WANG Yan - Beijing Research Institute of Smart Water, Beijing 100036, China POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-27: Key technology and program formulation of typical spring recoveryYong Yang, Yao Guang Duan, Shuai Yu, Li Min Guo, Fei Yan Feng, Jiao Yu Suo POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-30: Study of groundwater level early warning in Ganzhou City based on the long-term correlation and machine learning methodsYourang Zan, Information Center(Hydrology Monitor and Forecast Center),Ministry of Water Resources POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-32: Analysis of the relationship between hydrological processes and soil salinization: Study in the southern coastal plain of Laizhou Bay, ChinaLin Gao; Yang Qiu; Zhiye Wang; Chuanming Ma POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-7-4: Analysis of water supplement effect of river-lake ecological recovery in North ChinaZHU Jingsi, WANG Zhe, LI Chunli,LI Yu POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-8-31: Characteristics and driving factors for algal growth and water quality in two major water source reservoirs in the Yangtze River EstuaryJingyuan Cui, Yafei Cui, Chenyu Song, Yao Qu, Sheng Zhang and Haiping Zhang POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsPoster P-4-8-33: Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal Efficiency of 7 Types of Wetland PlantsJie Ni, Bao Li, Yongting Zhang, Dongyu Xu, Wenqiang Wu POSTER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSpecial Session SS-4-5: Nature-based Solutions for Water SecurityandEcological SecurityLead Organiser: International network of basin organizations PAPER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSpecial Session SS-4-6: Mainstreaming Ecological Restoration infreshwaterecosystems: insights from law, practice, andresearcharound the worldLead Organiser: Tongji University PAPER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-7-31: Overdraft of deep groundwater resources and its resulting land subsidence in the North China PlainDr. Xin He, Ms. Rong Liu, Prof. Yong Zhao ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-7-11: Estimating the influences of hydrogeology structure uncertainty on the accuracy of numerical model in the process of ecological water replenishmentProf. Litang Hu, Beijing Normal University
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-7-8: A geoelectrical recognition model of seawater/freshwater interface types based on convolutional neural networkDr. Jun Ma, Pearl River Hydrology and Water Resources Survey Cente ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-7-9: Characterizing groundwater table and quality change in the over-exploited area of North China Plain in the last 30 yearsPresenter: Dr. Feng SUN ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-7-12: Mechanism of soil water transfer and its ecological effect in seasonally frozen regionsPresenter: Dr. Ce Zheng ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-7-29: Characterization of groundwater residence time for the identification of hierarchical groundwater flow system in three dimensionsDr. Jiale Wang, Changjiang River Scientific Research Institute
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-4-7-32: Downscaling GRACE-observed groundwater storage changes over the Haihe River Basin using Random ForestsPresenter: Miss. Chen Li, Tsinghua University
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsOral O-6-3-14: Groundwater Management:Ecological Security Oriented Demand ManagementPresenter: Dr. CHEN YING, water resources managment center,Ministry of water resources ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSpecial Session SS-4-19: Harmonizing Waterscapes - Water EnvironmentIntegrated Governance for Eco-Sustainable FuturesLead Organiser: Shanghai Investigation, Design & Research Institute Co., Ltd.; Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society—Estuaries Governance and ProtectionProfessional Committee PAPER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS31 Oral O-4-5-1: Research on Ecological Compensation from the Perspective of Ecosystem Service Flow: A Case Study of Dongying City, Shandong ProvinceMiss. Jiaping Hou, Prof. Shenbei Zhou
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsResearch on the Value Accounting and Realization Path of Water Ecological Products - Take Anji County of Zhejiang Province as An ExamplePresenter: Mr. Jiahong Zhou, Zhejiang Institute of Hydraulic and Estuary
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS32 Oral O-4-6-11: Comprehensive evaluation of aquatic organisms in the Nandu River basin of the central mountain area, Hainan IslandDr. Delin Xu, Dr. Nan Shan, Dr. Bingshuai Cao, Dr. Zhaohui Li, Dr. Wenlin Wang ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS31 Oral O-4-5-7: Wetland mitigation functions on hydrological droughts: From drought characteristics to propagation of meteorological droughts to hydrological droughtsDr. Yanfeng Wu, Dr. Jingxuan Sun, Dr. Guangxin Zhang, Dr. Boting Hu, Prof. Alain N. Rousseau
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS32 Oral O-4-8-18: Silicon dioxide coated magnetite particles for magnetic removal of Cr VI from waterPresenter: Mr. Junpeng Hua, Northeastern Agricultural University ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS32 Oral O-4-8-24: Discussion on water ecological environment management strategy of water-deficient urban riversMiss. Weili Ye, Mr. Shuojia Peng ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS32 Oral O-4-8-28: Risk mitigation and control of harmful algal blooms (HABs) in Chaohu Lake - the thinking of Chinese managersDr. Ting Zhou, Dr. Bo Jiang ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS32 Oral O-4-6-15: Inhibition property of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) released from sediments in rice-crab culture field by rice straw biocharPresenter: Prof. Nan Sun, School of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, Heilongjiang
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS32 Oral O-4-8-26: Can water diversion polish river water quality in the polder of plain river network area? An case study in Taihu lake BasinPresenter: Dr. Wang Kai, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsSpecial Session SS-4-7: Management of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) towards climate resilient cityOrganisation: The Society for Ecological Rehabilitation of Beijing PAPER
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS35 Oral O-4-8-13: Effect of Mangrove on Nitrogen Removal in the Intertidal Zone of Shenzhen’s Deep BayPresenter: Dr. Wenrui Guo, PowerChina Huadong Engineering Corporation Limited
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS35 Oral O-4-8-15: Research on the sewage quantity control scheme of Liuyang River Drainage OutletPresenter: Mr. Yang Yi bin, Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS35 Oral O-4-8-1: Research on long-term pollution trends and source contributions in anastomosing rivers based on multiple statistical analysis models - Taking Jiaojiang River as an exampleMs. Chenxi LI, Mr. Hezhen YANG, Mr. Siyu SUN, Mr. Yuzhu SHI, Mr. Wenhui LIU, Mr. Cao LIU ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS35 Oral O-4-8-17: Identification and assessment of contamination sources in recharge zone of drinking groundwater sourceDr. Hang Zhao, Dr. Guoxin Huang, Dr. Jian Chen ORAL
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS35 Oral O-4-8-4: A study on the stability of agricultural land property rights transfer and the impact of farmers' environmental sentiment on the performance of financial investment in agricultural water pollution controlMrs. jing ning, Dr. Shenbei Zhou
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and FunctionsRS35 Oral O-4-8-5: Effect of pollution load reduction on water quality in typical lakes in the shallow hill water Network areaMrs. Li Jing Jing, Dr. Zou Chao Wang ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSS-5-4: Strategic Thinking on the Integrated Development of Hydro, Wind, and Solar Energy in the Yalong River BasinXuyuan Guo ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresRS20 O-5-5-60: Introduction of the Resistance of Seawater Intrusion to Ensure Water SupplyPresenter: Prof. Huang Yan ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSpecial Session 5-1: Value Transformation of Water Resources and CommonProsperity-The Practice of AnjiLead Organiser: Department of Water Resources of Zhejiang Province PAPER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSpecial session SS-5-2: Development and Application of Digital TwinTechnology In Water Resources ManagementLead Organiser: Changjiang Institute of Survey, Planning, Design &ResearchCorporation (CISPDR Corporation) PAPER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSession RS-12 O-5-2-3: A Participant’s Observations of International Water Experts’ Visits to China, 1974 and 1980Presenter: Prof. James E. Nickum ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSession RS-12 O-5-1-15: Ecological design and restoration of river bank revetmentDr. ChunBao Yang, General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSession RS-12 Submission O-5-1-26: Research on Key Technologies for Design of High-lift Pump Station ClustersMr. Lingling Li ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSession RS-12 O-5-2-21: Study on the transferable water quantity from the perspective of eco-technology-economy constraintsDr. Bing Qiu, The General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design, Ministry of Water Resources ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-3-5-14: Seismic damage identification of high arch dams based on an unsupervised deep learning approachXiangyu Cao, Jianyun Chen, Lei Tang POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSpecial Session SS-5-8: Blue Horizons Mongolia: Pioneering SustainableUrban Water ProjectsLead Organiser: IWRA Mongolia Chapter PAPER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSpecial Session SS-5-7: Harnessing Digital Infrastructures and Green Solutions to Strengthening Climate ResilienceOrganisation: Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank PAPER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresRS20 O-5-1-28: Groundwater Modeling Of Alluvial Aquifers at Wadi Bani Kharus Catchment in OmanMr. Abdullah Said ALkaabi, Mr. Muslem Bakhit kashob ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresRS20 O-5-4-7: Water Level Recognizing of Image Gauge Using Unet and ResNet50Dr. Zhongyue Yan, Miss. Yiwei OU-yang, Mr. Jiang Deng, Miss. Xiyu Ni ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresRS20 O-5-5-8: Research on reservoir joint operation scheme based on ecological flow guaranteeMr. Yang Yi bin, Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresRS19 O-5-1-31: Research on fish passage overfishing monitoring based on a novel deep-learning network architectureDr. Jianyuan Li, China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresRS20 O-5-4-60: Empowering with AI: Achieving Human-Water Harmony and Green Development in Water ResourcesMr. Hu Shi Wei, Xi'an Centn Technology Co., Ltd ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresRS20 O-5-4-16: High-temporal-resolution monitoring of reservoir water storage of the Lancang-Mekong RiverMr. Yiming Wang, Prof. Di Long, Mr. Xingdong Li, Dr. Yongzhe Chen ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSpecial Session SS-5-5: Towards Advancing in the NBS (Nature-Based Solutions) SectorOrganiser: IWRA PAPER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresSpecial Session SS-5-3: Sustainability and a water-wise energy transitionunder Dual Carbon TargetLead Organiser: China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research(IWHR) PAPER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-1-14: Investigation on Deterioration Behaviors of Ship Lock Concrete under Water Level Fluctuation of Inland RiverHAN Xuesong,XU Zhengfei, QIAN Wenxun, XU Fei, GE Jinyu POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-1-32: Study on karst development law of Dehoureservoir in Wenshanprefecture of Yunnan provinceYongchuan Zhao POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-2-10: Study on Reasonable Pipe Section Length of Large Inverted SiphonSHI Yanke1,ZHANG Dekang,ZHANG Jiarui,ZHANG Duoxin,KE Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-2-11: Study on route layout of long-distance water diversion project across river basins based on water ecological protectionSU Wei-qiang, WANG Jing, LU Meng-yun, DU Yong-quan, ZHANG Jia-rui POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-2-13: Experimental Study on Hydraulic Model of the Inlet and Outlet Hydraulic Characteristics of Xiazhuang Inverted SiphonZhou Yonglin, Yang Qingyuan, Cheng Zibing POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-2-21: Seismic response and seismic measures of Dezeconcrete face rockfill damMei Wei、Yang Chaolin、Li Shu、Yang Fan, Fei Wenping POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-2-19: Risk Assessment of Cross-fault Water Pipeline Based on Finite Element Simulation:A Case Study of AhongMain CanalGU Shi-xiang,MEI Wei,TANG Chang,YANG Fan,HUO Yu-guo,CAO Zi-jun POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-2-20: Influencing factors of seismic uplift response of buried pipelines in liquefiable soilsGuShi Xiang、ZangJi Hu、Mei Wei 、Yang Fan、Tong BaoLin, Shan Duo Quan、Du Wen Qi POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-3-12: Application of Digital Twin Technology in Water Conservancy - A ReviewShipeng Jin, Yongbing Xu, Shandong Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy CO.,LTD POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-3-13: Application of water conservancy digital twin platform in construction managementZekun Shan ,Yongbing Xu,Shandong Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy CO.,LTD POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-3-14: Analysis of Difficulties in the Construction of Digital Twin WatershedsJunjie Wang Yongbing Xu SHANDONG SURVEY AND DESIGN INSTITUTE OF WATER CONSERVANCY CO., LTD POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-3-16: Analysis and Research on the Construction of Digital Twin Watershed of Boyu ReservoirMingyi Zhang,Yongbing Xu,Shandong Survey and Design Institute of Water Conservancy CO.,LTD POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-3-21: Digital twin technology based basin water resources scheduling application - an example of ecological water replenishment in Yongding RiverPresenter: Mr. Xiaolei Li POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-3-22: Research and Practice on Key Technology of Three dimensional Water Network with Digital Twin in YunnanLaofu Huang, Zhen Chen, Xin Chen, Bin Liu, Shihan bai POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-4-1: Practice and exploration of digital construction of already running diversion projectZHANG Shanliang,CHEN Bing,YIN Junxian,HUANG Xiao POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-4-3: Digital Twinning Enables Smart GroundwaterFan Song POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-4-5: Overall design and implementation of Yunnan hydrological intergrated operational system with digital twin watershed technologyBogen Li Ben Fu - Bureau of Hydrology and Water Resources Yunnan province, Kunming 650106, China POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-4-6: Design of intelligent rainfall trend prediction system based on Internet of ThingsYuxiao Li , Yongbing Xu POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-4-9: Research and application of integrated intelligent pump houseWang zhu Luo Yuling POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-4-10: Application market of anticorrosive robot in pipelineWang zhu Luoyuling Yunnan Water Conservancy and Hydropower Investment Co., Ltd POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-4-36: Application of ArcGIS Technology in Planning of Irrigation AreaMs. Ling Li POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-5-13: Investigation and application of integrated water purification systemWang Zhu Luoyuling POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-6-6: Thoughts on sediment control and comprehensive utilization of water resources in the Yellow River beach areaHonghai Tang and Zhen Li, Shaoying Fan, Yan Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresPoster P-5-6-12: Discussion on Design Conditions of Floating Pump Stations in Water Levels with Large VariationsYang Wen,Tong Bao Lin,Li Ling Ling POSTER
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresOral O-5-6-7: Analysis on the benefit of multifunctional comprehensive utilization of hydropower stationPresenter: Mr. Yang Yi bin, Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresOral O-5-6-11: Research on Compilation of Water Station Optimal Regulatory Degree Diagram Considering Biological EffectsPresenter: Dr. Chengxuan Lu, Hohai University ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresOral O-5-6-18: Exploration on the Feasibility and Mode of the Whole River Water and Sediment Regulation in the Yellow River BasinDr. Yuanjian Wang, Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research, YRCC ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresOral O-5-5-3: The Integrated Decision Support System for Three Gorges Included Giant Reservoirs Dr. Huaming Yao, Dr. Zhengyang Tang ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresOral O-5-5-17: Influence of horizontal curved water conveyance tunnel on hydraulic characteristics of side inlet/outletDr. Jing Dong, Dr. Songlin Han, Prof. Zhibing Jiang ORAL
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water InfrastructuresOral O-5-6-4: Co-opetition Strategy between Flood Control and Hydropower Generation in Hierarchical Decision Making of Reservoir OperationDr. Xin Wang, Prof. Tiesong Hu,Prof. Xiang Zeng, Dr. Fengyan Wu, Dr. Jianan Qin
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPromote the transformation of water governance mode by promoting the realization of the value of water ecological productsMs. Nongdi Wu, Development Research Center ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementChina’s Water Quality Improvement: Seeking the Successful Code on Integrated Water Pollution ControlProf. Chazhong Ge, Chinese Academy of Environmental Planning ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementParticipatory Monitoring and Evaluation for Water Security: Case Studies from IndiaMs. Ananya Goyal, Coalition for Disaster Resilient Infrastructure ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementKnit Rivers into Urban Public Space and Link Urban Development with Water System——The Summary of Research on Water System Harnessing Based on Case StudiesMiss. Zhao Fan, PowerChina Beijing Engineering Corporation Limited ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSS-6-8: Water Security in River Basins in South AsiaProf. Cecilia Tortajada ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSS-6-8: Current and future Hydrological models in large river basins Chong-Yu Xu - University of Oslo ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSS-6-8: Generic Data-Driven Reservoir Operation Models (GDROMs)Ximing Cai ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSS-6-8: Smart Water Management in Large River Basins - Digital Twinning Watershed for Qinghai Lake BasinJiahong Liu and Yunzhong Jiang et al. - China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSS-6-19: Groundwater Governance: Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices - Who Needs Groundwater Law?Joseph W. Dellapenna ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementWater security and Hydroinformatics: challenges and opportunities Prof. Philippe Gourbesville - President IAHR ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementIntroduction of Water Rights System and Water Rights Trading in ChinaMr. Yuqian Zhang ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementExploring the Interplay of Global Change and Socio-Biosphere Dynamics in the Yangtze BasinSlobodan P. Simonović ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSS-6-19: Groundwater Governance: Challenges, Opportunities, and Best Practices Mr Abou Amani - Director, Division of Water Sciences and Secretary of the IHP, UNESCO ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementResearch on Water Intake Right and Water Use Right development of water resources under the background of new eraMr. XingPin Li, Pearl River Water Resources Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementIntroduction to the Smart Water Cities ProjectCallum Clench - IWRA Executive Director ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSmart Water Cities Index Project Promotion and Dissemination in connection with Global ConferencesLee Jae Won - Senior Manager Asia Water Council ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementCan Rivers Claim the Right to Health and Wellbeing?Dr. Amrisha Pandey, BML Munjal University ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRelations between Water Rights System and Economic and Social Development in History—A Study of the Tongli Canal in Hongtong CountyMiss. Fei Fan, Renmin University of China ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementBest practices in IWRM for Achieving the SDG 6 through UNDP’s Water Governance ProgrammeWeidong ZHANG - Assistant Resident Representative UNDP China ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementMeasuring Governance in Smart Water CitiesMonica Garcia Quesada - IWRA Project officer ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementReconsidering Water Resource Comprehensive managementQiuchi Shi - Co-Chair of ISC , World Water Congress ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementComponents of SDG 6: Ensure availability and sustainability of water, sanitation and hygiene for allJane Bevan - UNICEF ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementIncorporating Temporal Changes into Flood Loss EstimationsTongtiegang Zhao - Sun Yat-sen University ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementClimate Change versus Human Activities: On the Causes of the Shrinkage of Lake Chad Wenbin Zhu Associate professor ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementEnsuring access to safe drinking water for allWHO China Representative Office ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementInvesting in Nature - 投资自然 - IWRA Conference, Beijing, September 2023Andrea Erickson Quiroz - The Nature Conservancy ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementOECD Work on WaterTamas Hajba - OECD Senior Advisor for China ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementBuilding a community with a shared future - giving international organizations a bigger role to playZHANG Jianli ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementEco-hydrological impacts of climate change and human activities on watershed: Cases and implicationsDr. Shanlong Lu, Professor, International Coordinator of SDG 6 ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSE4: Guaranteeing basic human rights – ensuring access to safe drinking water for allDr. Dinara Ziganshina ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementTürkiye Perspective to Maintaining Healthy Life of RiversProf. Dr. Lütfi AKÇA, President of Turkish Water Institute (SUEN) ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS18 O-6-7-60: Legal guarantee for the protection and governance of the Yangtze River and Yellow River in the New EraPresenter: Ms. Qiuna Su ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementOral O-6-8-60: Urban water management and city-to-city cooperationPresenter: Mr. Jin Hong Kim ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS33 Oral O-6-4-61: Characterization and Classification of River Network TypesQingyang Luo - Tianjin University - China Water Resources Beifang Investigation ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session 6-15: Water for all, All for Water PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session 6-16: Developing Government Incentives to Scale Up Private Sector Adoption of Credible Water StewardshipLead Organiser: Alliance for Water Stewardship (AWS) PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSession: RS12 Submission: O-6-3-4 Two sides of the same coin? A synthesis of the meaning of management as applied to wetlandsMr. Bramley Jemain Lemine, Cape Peninsula University of Technology and University of the Western Cape (dual) ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSession RS12 Water diplomacy promotes transboundary river cooperation: practice on a Lancang-Mekong Special Fund projectMs. Chenxi LI, Nanjing Research Institute of Hydrology and Water Conservation Automation, Ministry of Water Resources ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSession RS12: Taming the nine dragons at the local level: How China’s River Chief System changes the Tiao-Kuai authority relations in the local government water/river management?Presenter Mr. Yuzong Chen, University of Melbourne ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session 6-4: The Role of Young Professionals in AchievingCarbonNeutrality by 2050Lead Organiser: Asia Water Council Young Professionals (AWC YP) PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-2: Eye on Groundwater - Path to SustainableDevelopment under Intensive Human ActivitiesLead Organiser: General Institute of Water Resources of Hydropower Planningand Design, Ministry of Water Resources, P. R. China (GIWP)
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSide Event SE5: China-Europe Water Platform – 10 years of a partnership to be boosted
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-22: Regional groundwater cycling, evolutionandenvironmental processes researchLead Organiser: Institute of Hydrogeology and Environmental Geology, ChineseAcademy of Geological Sciences (IHEG) PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS18 O-6-7-18: Cross-Border Impacts Related to Transboundary Aquifers: Characterizing Legal Responsibility and LiabilityPresenter: Prof. Gabriel Eckstein ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS18 O-6-7-17: Achieving the right to water and sanitation in France: a case study from a developed countryMs. Raya Marina Stephan, Individual and IWRA ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-9: Economic and Ecological Regulation of CascadeHydropower Stations within the Framework of Yangtze River Economic BeltLead Organiser: China Three Gorges University PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-13: Shared and Innovative Water InformationSystemsfor an Improved Water Resources Management atNational and Basin LevelsLead Organiser: International network of basin organizations PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS18 O-6-7-7: International Water Law in 2070Dr. Joseph W Dellapenna, Beijing University School of Transnational Law ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS18 O-6-7-6: Transboundary Watercourses of the ASEAN Region: Regional Perspectives and Prospects for International Water Law in the ASEAN RegionDr. David J Devlaeminck, School of Law, Chongqing University ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS18 O-6-7-12: Concerted Management of China’s Transboundary Waters: Converging National and Transnational Legal and Institutional SystemsDr. Yang Liu, International Water Law Academy ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS22 O-6-7-19: Unconventional water resources: Who owns the rain?Dr. Renee Martin-Nagle, A Ripple Effect ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS22 O-6-7-14: Control of Groundwater Exploitation Based on Sustainable YieldProf. Lili Yu, Dr. Yan Yang
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS22 O-6-7-8: The role of Multilateral Development Banks in information sharing on transboundary freshwater systemsPresenter: Dr. Christina Leb, World Bank Group ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS22 O-6-7-22: Sustainable Development and Water Security: Increasing Global Water Scarcity in Developing Countries and Their Potential SolutionsPresenter: Mr. Tyler G Maxwell, AECOM ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS22 O-6-7-21: Chinese Innovation in Watershed LegislationDr. Haoliang Yu, Dr. Xianghan Meng ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS22 O-6-7-20: Investigation and Legislative Suggestion on the Management of Interprovincial Reservoir AreaMr. XingPin Li, Pearl River Water Resource Research Institute ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS22 O-6-7-23: Application of International Water Law in EcocidePresenter: Dr. Chenjun Zheng, School of Law, Zhejiang Gongshang University ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-7: The complex issue of Implementation – a call for a transformative international water law approach to transboundary water cooperationOrganisation: International Water Law Academy, CIBOS, Wuhan University PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementOral O-6-8-31: Validation of CRE based on multisource evapotranspiration data at Yongdam dam basinProf. Boosik KANG, Miss. Eunji KIM ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementOral O-6-8-51: Application of edge computing and deep learning to analyse domestic water use data and to sustain water-conscious behaviour - A case study of Hong KongDr. Angela Lee, Centre for Water Technology and Policy, The University of Hong Kong ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementOral O-6-8-6: Monitoring of Social Change in Mining Areas Using Remote SensingMs. Merry Jean Abandonado Caparas
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementOral O-6-8-17: Cascade reservoirs adaptive refined simulation model based on the mechanism-AI coupling modeling paradigmDr. Boran Zhu, Prof. Jun Liu, Prof. Junqiang Lin, Prof. Yi Liu, Dr. Di Zhang, Dr. Yufeng Ren, Prof. Qidong Peng, Dr. Huaijie He, Miss. Qiong Feng ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-6: Charting a Path to 2030 and Beyond: exploring how convergent rules of international law contribute to enhanced transboundary water cooperation PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS33 Oral O-6-4-9: Resilience assessment of water resources system and analysis of regulatory factors in the Yangtze River Economic Belt from the perspective of spatial-temporal heterogeneityMiss. Jiaqi Li, Prof. Weijun He, Dr. Liang Yuan
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS33 Oral O-6-4-44: Multi-dimensional effects of water and sediment regulation on the sustainability of the river system in the Lower Yellow RiverProf. Enhui Jiang, Yellow River Institute of Hydraulic Research, Yellow River Conservancy Commission ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS33 Oral O-6-4-8: Management mechanism of ecological flow of rivers and lakes based on human-water harmony and watershed conceptionMr. Li Tang, Mr. Zhong Qin, Ms. Junying Chen, Mr. Huaxin Chen, Miss. Xiaoxiao Wang ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS33 Oral O-6-4-7: Towards a web decision system support for planning Andean watersheds in ColombiaDr. VIVIANA VARGAS-FRANCO, Universidad Nacional de Colombia ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-1-8: Fair and efficient freshwater allocation based on bankruptcy rules with cooperative game approachesDr. Jianan Qin, Prof. Xiang Fu, Dr. Jing Wang. Prof. Xia Wu. Dr. Luguang Liu. Dr. Xin Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-1-10: The impact of water rights trading practice on water resources utilization efficiency in Sichuan ProvinceShunjie Deng, Xinyue Zhang, Jinghui Lu, Jian Yang POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-1-17: Research on the market transaction model of water rights in mega-cityLi Han, Yaoying Tang, Ruihui Chen, Xiujuan Fan, Guizhen Sun POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-3-7: Shifts in water availability due to environmental flowYe Zhao, Xiang Zhang, Zhimin Deng, Jianping Bing POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-3-8: Main Practices and Revelation of Groundwater Reserve Management and Protection in BeijingFapeng Li, Zhonghua Han POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-3-12: Strategic research on ensuring the water resources security in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater-Bay AreaHUANG Bensheng, HONG Changhong, QIU Jing, ZHANG Zhilin, HU Pei, DU Huanhuan, et al. POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-3-13: A brief analysis of China's agricultural water price pricing methodsMengqin Bie,Jing Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-3-15: Construction of an assessment method for the effect of water resource scheduling in Beijing oriented to Smart WaterNa Zhou, Moyuan Yang, Yuhang Liang, Juan Zhang POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-3-17: Evaluation System Constructing and Explorating of Urban Waterfront Space Ecological Value and Development PotentialMr. Youyi Huang, Ms. Lina Zhan, Ms. Xiaoru Lin, Ms. Li Zhang, Mr. Jing Zhu, Ms. Yingying Zhang POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-4-27: Research on Emergency Responding to Water Contamination IncidentsJie Ni, Xiaohui Zhao, Wenqiang Wu POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-4-29: Adaptive indicator recommendation and weight allocation for river and lake health assessmentYanchen Zhou POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-4-31: Empirical Study on Integrated Management of the Murray-Darling River Basin in AustraliaShushu Guo - Development Research Center of the Ministry of Water Resources of P.R.China POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-4-40: Countermeasures and Measures for Overloading of Surface Water Resources of the Yellow River under Deep Water Saving and Water ControlGu Xiaowei, Han Jinxu POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-12: Estimation of soil moisture changes based on GRACE terrestrial water storage: Taking the monsoon region in eastern China as an exampleMr. YuhanBian, Prof. Jie Wang POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-18: Multi risks Analysis Modeling of Cascade Hydropower Station based on System DynamicsBoran Zhu, Di Zhang, Junqiang Lin, Yi Liu, Qidong Peng, Yufeng Ren POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-27: Preliminary study on the generalized model of water resource regulation based on knowledge mapYang Moyuan, Zhang Juan, Wang He, Cheng Shuai POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-34: Research and demonstration of data aggregation and monitoring technology for water replenishment dispatching based on multi source data fusionLI Hao, YANG Jie
Beijing Research Institute of Smart Water Beijing 100036 China
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-35: Research and application of mobile terminal image acquisition and live video technology in smart waterMr.Du yuebo POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-36: Data aggregation and governance of rural sewage treatment facilities based on Big data technologyLIU Weixin POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-39: Research on the scheme and improvement strategy of drainage data integrationKai Shen POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-40: Countermeasures to further improve the supervision of water intakein Yunnan Province under the new situationShuangzhu LI,Water Diversion Center of Yunnan Province POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-47: Research on emergency plan for water supply emergencies in Beijing based on scenario construction method赵 佳,郭春辉,乔光毅 - Beijing Water Supply Management Affairs Center, Beijing 100073 POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-48: Research and Thinking on Smart Water Supply System for Urban and Rural AreasFujing Zhu , Yonggang Pei , Wenqi Hu , Jianqi Liu ,Yangyang Yu POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementPoster P-6-8-51: Technical requirements and practical analysis in the field of hydrology and water resourcesMr. Qing shun Meng POSTER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS36 Oral O-6-4-22: The River and Lake Chief System and its practice in ChinaMs. Heshu Li, Ms. Maixian Lang, Ms. Heshu Li, Ms. Xiaoyong Liu ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS36 Oral O-6-4-30: Comparative study on different weighting methods in ecological restoration potential evaluationMr. Li Guan Ting, Mr. Wang Qi Wen, Mr. Gao Ji Jun, Mr. Liu Lai Sheng, Ms. Lao Tian Ying, Ms. Ning Zhen ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS36 Oral O-6-4-24: Assessing Uncertainty in Nutrient Load Calculations: A Case Study in a Tributary of the Yellow River Investigating the Effects of Sampling Frequency and Calculation AlgorithmDr. Guoshuai Zhang, Dr. Yan Chen, Mr. Zhonghua Li, Mr. Shunxing Qin
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS36 Oral O-6-4-33: Key Measures and Implementation Effects Evaluation on Water Dispatching in Pearl River’s Dry SeasonPresenter: Mrs. Juan Li, Pearl River Hydraulic Research Institute, Pearl River Water Conservancy Commission ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementRS36 Oral O-6-4-38: Collaborative Water Governance in Urbanising China: Case Study of Baiyangdian LakePresenter: Ms. Mengyao Li, University of Melbourne ORAL
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-17: Governing the Water-Energy-FoodNexusLead Organiser: Texas A&M University
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-26: The Management of Freshwater on Islands: Unique Challenges or Common Opportunities?Lead Organiser: IWRA/ The Faroese Geological Survey PAPER
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and ManagementSpecial Session SS-6-23: Building climate-resilience of mountain communitiesOrganiser: IWRA PAPER