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SS-2-1: Water Security - Mission and Vision -The Forum on High-Quality Development of National Water Network and South-to-North Water Diversion

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and Services
Author(s): Organisation: China South-to-North Water Diversion Group


Organisation: China South-to-North Water Diversion Group

Representative: Xuguang jiang

E-mail: nsbd69619508@163.com

Article: PDF



Organisation: China South-to-North Water Diversion Group

Representative: Xuguang jiang

E-mail: nsbd69619508@163.com


Alignment with Congress

2. Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and Services


Session description

The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China emphasizes that “High-quality development is the primary task for comprehensively building a modern socialist country ” and that it is necessary to “optimize the layout, structure, function and system integration of infrastructure and build a modern infrastructure system”. The east line, central line and west line projects of the South-to-North Water Diversion Program represent the main skeleton and artery of the national water network. Since the first phase of the east and central line projects of the South-to-North Water Diversion Program was fully completed, the total volume of water diversion has reached more than 56 billion cubic meters, benefiting more than 150 million people. The South-to-North Water Diversion Program has become a lifeline for China to optimize the allocation of water resources, ensure safe drinking water for the people, revive the ecological environment of rivers and lakes, and support a smooth economic cycle for the north and the south. As the only cross-basin, super-large water supply enterprise directly managed by the Central Government, China South-to-North Water Diversion Group is entrusted the significant mission of “effectively building the remaining projects of the South-to-North Water Diversion Program, accelerating the formation of a national backbone water network composed of ‘four horizontal branches and three vertical branches’, and better serving the implementation of major national strategies”. We are actively bidding to this Special Session, and we will gather the strengths of all parties for a series of common goals including making up for the shortcomings of macro water resources allocation at a quicker pace, improve guaranteed supply of water resources, and promote the safe, green, intelligent and integrated development of the national water network. It is well fit with the WWC theme of “Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature” and the sub-themes of “Innovation for Water Governance and Management”, “Establishing Sustainable Water Infrastructures”, “Promoting Water Efficiency Production and Services”, and “Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions”. The special session will build a platform for international and domestic governments, the industry and the academia to interchange of technology, share information and establish pragmatic cooperation. It will provide a window through which the advanced technologies and equipment used for large-scale water diversion projects and large-scale water resource deployment projects in China are showcased, and offer a chance to introduce international advanced concepts and technologies of water resource management to promote the high-quality development of the national water network in China. As appropriate, “offline + online” discussions will be held around the theme for a total of 90 minutes among about 200 participants. 1.Speeches by leader guests. (About 15 minutes) 2.Keynote reports. (About 45 minutes) 3.Signing ceremony of cooperation projects. (About 15 minutes) 4.Conclusion and outlook. (About 15 minutes) Guidance Agency: Ministry of water Resources(China) Organizers: China South-to-North Water Diversion Group and China Association for Science and Technology Contact Person: Deputy Director of the Office of China South-to-North Water Diversion Group Lin Yuancang 010-69619508, 13910169500 List of Speakers: International and domestic famous academicians and experts Titles of Reports: (1)Balanced and coordinated development of water resources - society and economy - ecological environment (2)Water security in key regions and challenges (3)Relationship between water security and population economy and economic development (4)Construction of digital twin water network (5)Value of water ecological products and services (6)Exploration and development of nature-based water engineering technology (7)Scientific and orderly promotion of high-quality development of remaining projects under the South-to-North Water Diversion Program (8)Accelerate the construction of the main skeleton and artery of the national water network (9)Enhance the comprehensive benefits of water conservancy projects through multiple business forms (10)Innovation of water resources management technology and means Source of Fund The special session will be self-funded by China South-to-North Water Diversion Group

Online documents

Multifunctional comprehensive utilization of water engineering

Modern water industrial chain development - Online documents

Date: Sept. 12th   Hours: 14:00-15:30   Room: Room 14   Session No.: SS 35   Theme: 2   Submission No.: SS-2-1


Intelligent construction and application of National Water Network

Date: Sept. 12th   Hours: 14:00-15:30   Room: Room 16   Session No.: SS 35   Theme: 2   Submission No.: SS-2-1

Exploration and development on engineering technology of large-scale water diversion and water supply

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