Monitoring, Data and Hard Innovation: Hard Innovation II (RS15)
Author(s): Jayson Gabriel Pinza
Jayson Gabriel Pinza, Advocates of Science and Technology for the People (AGHAM), Quezon City, Philippines
Article: PDFOral: PDFAbstractIn the 2010s, the community close to a mine in Luzon Island, Philippines, observed substantial lowering of groundwater levels (GL). This had coincided with the mine development, raising concerns on the mine dewatering possibly contributing to this GL decline. Thus, I demonstrated this possibility by examining this dewatering impact on GLs within community area in my groundwater model based on the analytic element method. No long-term GL monitoring data prior to and after the mine development has been accessible, so this model cannot be calibrated. But, it is still useful to at least see if the model shows extensive GL lowering by using the model parameter values and soft data mostly from the mining company’s technical reports.