IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-3-2-4: Application of Reverse preview technical in flood prevention in the autumn floods of the Yellow River in 2021

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Author(s): Mrs. Zhu Bing, Mr. Kong Xiangyi, Miss. Cai Hehe

Mrs. Zhu Bing, Mr. Kong Xiangyi, Miss. Cai Hehe

Information Center,Ministry of Water Resources,China

Poster: PDF


Objectives of the study

To guarantee the safety of the upstream reservoirs and to ensure non-bankfull flood in the downstream of the Yellow River is the biggest difficulty of flood prevention in the autumn floods of the Yellow River in 2021.The weakness of the joint operation of the four reservoirs of Yellow River is that it can only perform single-target forward preview for single reservoir or tandem reservoir group, and can only adjust manually during reverse preview, which seriously affects the timeliness and accuracy of scheduling. How to fill the gap of single and parallel reservoir group inverse preview is a complex problem.

在保证上游水库安全的前提下,保障黄河下游洪水 不漫滩是2021年黄河秋汛洪水防御中水库防洪调 度的最大难点.当前黄河四库联合调度功能较弱,仅 可对单库或串联库群进行单目标正向预演,在反向 预演时只能手动试算调整,严重影响了调度的时效 性与准确性. 如何填补该空白是一个复杂的问题。

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