IWRA Proceedings

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Urban hazards under extreme rainstorms - 极端暴雨下城市复合型地质灾害

Author(s): SS-7-13: Water Security in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Marco Greater Bay Area 粤港澳大湾区水安全保障 专场
XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Main theme: Water for All: Harmony between Humans and Nature
Author(s): Limin Zhang, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology - 张利民, 香港科技大学
Oral: PDF



  • Climate change and urban hazards in GD-HK-MC Greater Bay Area
  • The 1 Sept 2023 Typhoon Saola and its impact
  • The 7 Sept 2023 extreme storm and its impact
  • Prompt landslide risk assessment
  • Stress testing for future extremes
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