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Development of a GIS based tool for the prioritisation of sites with the potential to be sources of polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) impact to the water environment

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 2: Emerging pollutants and groundwater
Author(s): Jane Thrasher

Jane Thrasher, Jacobs, Water & Environment Director; Ground Contamination and Land Quality Global Community of Practice Leader

Oral: PDF


BACKGROUND: Surveillance monitoring shows widespread PFAS occurrence

  • Surveillance monitoring shows the ubiquitous presence of PFOS in surface water, often above EQS.
  • PFAS also widespread in groundwater mainly at low levels; locally present in raw waters that drinking water supplies are taken from.
  • Identified need for further research and investigative work to evaluate the sources contributing to widespread PFAS in the environment.
  • A better understanding of the sources of PFAS and pathways to surface waters and groundwater will help ensure effective actions can be implemented.


THE PROBLEM: How to prioritise the large number of potential PFAS source sites

  • PFAS have applications in a wide variety of consumer products and industrial applications because of their unique chemical and physical properties
  • They have been in use since the 1950s 
  • There are thousands of potential source sites where PFAS may have been lost to the environment
  • Where PFAS-containing Aqueous Fire Fighting Foam has been used in firefighting training, and fire protection and prevention
  • Industrial applications of PFAS e.g. mist suppression, specialist coatings
  • Disposal of materials containing PFAS – waste water effluent, landfill, run-off
  • How do you prioritise these sites for further assessment and effective regulation in a consistent and systematic manner, rather than simply focusing on the known and high-profile sites ?


Wednesday, January 18th, 2023; 11:35 CET

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