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Enhancing Regional Capacities for the Isotope Based Assessment of Water Resources in the Context of Adapting to Climate Change

IWRA 2020 Online Conference - Addressing Groundwater Resilience under Climate Change
THEME 5. Groundwater Education and Capacity Development
Author(s): Christoph Henrich

Mr Christoph Henrich
Programme Management Officer Division for Europe Department of Technical Cooperation

O. Kracht, Y. Vystavna, S. Lipenkova , I. Bakiri, K. Meliksetian, F. Skopljak, B. Jolovic, M. Ivanov, T. Markovich, Z. Kovac., C. Christofi, T.
Meador, R. Vaikmäe, G. Melidkadze , I. Fórizs, L. Palcsu, R. Aktayev , A. Kalvans, O. Bogdevich, D. Radojević, T. Milivojević, P. Wachniew,
P. Mimo Carreira Paquete, A. Persoiu, V. Mocanu, B. Chubarenko, S. Sokratov, N. Todorovic, R. Cernak, P. Malik, N. Rman, U. Pavlic , P.
Vreca, A. Kodirov, F. Simsek , M Ekmekci , Y. Nabyvanets, D. Turgunov

Keyword(s): Water resources management; Isotopic Techniques; IAEA; Capacity building
Oral: PDF


(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis

To enhance regional capacities for isotope techniques in support of evidence-based decision-making for sustainable groundwater resources management.

(b) Key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed

The better understanding of complex aquifer systems and groundwater-surface-water interactions is indispensable for effective integrated water management, particularly, under the stress associated with groundwater depletion, its quality deterioration and pollution. Isotope hydrology is an excellent tool for characterizing and understanding aquifer systems, especially when assessing the long-term exploitation of groundwater and changes of water availability over time. However, proficiency in isotope-based techniques and capacity to apply them differs significantly among countries.

(c) Methodology or approach used

To respond to theseissue, the 4-years IAEA project “Evaluating Groundwater Resources and Groundwater-Surface-Water Interactions in the Context of Adapting to Climate Change” was launched in January 2020 to stimulate the transfer of knowledge and capacities from advanced to less advanced member states in the Europe and Central Asia region by (1) increasing the awareness on isotope-based techniques, (2) transferring knowledge and building capacity on the use of these techniques through training courses and fellowships, (3) addressing important regional, sub-regional and transboundary questions, such as on the impact of a changing climate and anthropogenic activities on groundwater resources, and (4) enhancing and sustaining a regional network of professionals for the monitoring and evaluation of water resource quality and quantity using isotope techniques. Project participants grouped into smaller case study teams, which are expected to enhance cooperation on water and isotope hydrology in the region, build technical capacities and competencies, and provide answers to relevant water management questions under current and future climate change scenarios.

(d) Results and conclusions derived from the project

Case studies are focusing on the determination of climate change impacts on karst aquifers and groundwater/surface water interactions in the Western Balkans, groundwater nitrate contamination in Eastern Europe and Caucuses, vulnerability of stratified transboundary aquifers to over-abstraction and pollution, contamination problems of selected European costal
aquifers, water balance and quality control in Central Asia, and others. Such approach enhances inter-regional capacity building and facilitates knowledge transfer between participants.

(e) Implications of the project relevant to selected conference theme, theory and/or practice

By contributing to the conference with a group presentation, we aim to raise awareness among national and international stakeholders and decision makers, and to explore potential collaboration with other development partners in this area.