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“Nutrient removal of nitrogen and phosphorus in an artificial wetland subsurface flow under the influence of macrophyte Chrissopogon Zizaniodes ".

IWRA World Water Congress 2017 - Cancun Mexico
2. Water quality, wastewater and reuse
Author(s): Hugo Arangoitia Valladares
Hugo Arangoitia Valladares
Research Institute of Environmental Engineering Faculty,National University of Engineering

Keyword(s): Wastewater,Nutrient removal,Nitrogen,Phosphorus,Artifical Wetlands,Chrissopogon Zizaniodes.
Article: PDF


The Organization of the United Nations (UN) goals set in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by their target 7c mentioned, Halve, by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation However it has not reached the target in terms of the service they saneamiento.entre Latin America has a 67% service coverage.

Peru made the sanitation programs to reach the proposed member organizations is UN, WHO coverage. Among some of its policies, the state entity National Superintendence of Sanitation Services (SUNASS) made a diagnosis of plants municipal water treatment plant (WWTP), mentioning that some wastewater treatment plant already exceeded the design stage, in others, there little or no operation and maintenance due to lack of budgets for maintenance of mechanical equipment, result to evacuate their effluents disrupt ecosystems of the receiving bodies (rivers, lakes and ponds) as in the case of eutrophication by excess nutrients.

The research raises a alternantiva treatment is the principle of biodegradation organic matter by microorganisms adhered to a substrate and adsorption medium nutrients macrophytes for this, two artificial wetlands in their surface flow constructed at pilot scale, one of them presented as gravel bed support 4inch as filter medium (substrate) that have been pre gravels selected (2-½ inch), the macrophyte is Chrissopogon Zizaniodes investigate this macrophyte has been investigated during the past decades research center considering a treatment option for municipal wastewater as mining tailings, development of roots, rhizomes and stolons can grow up to 3 meters, allowing greater adherence of minerals and nutrients compared to other macrophytes such as reeds and cattails . For the other artificial wetland has the same bed support and substrates but does not have any macrophyte (white), this will evaluate and compare the macrophyte influence on nutrient removal (nitrates, total phosphorus).

Our proposal is to aerater to HASS, these vents are naturally by vertical PVC pipes of ½ "inch. which are distributed equally spaced along each wetland, reaching bed support where they are distributed across the width of each wetland, income airflow allow oxygen transfer, resulting low concentrations of dissolved oxygen will have and come to terms anoxic, this will allow to accelerate the nitrification-denitrification processes, allowing greater nutrient uptake by macrophytes.

The research was developed in the research center treatment of wastewater and hazardous waste (CITRAR-UNI) of the National University of Engineering (Lima, Peru), where municipal wastewater from human settlements The Angel and the Miracle is captured.

Municipal wastewater go through a screening and primary treatment Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) after the pilot, research was conducted for 9 months (January-September, 2016) .The evaluated the pH, temperature, relative humidity, nitrates, total phosphorus, BOD5 and COD according to Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater(APHA). Coming to the conclusion that the process of nutrient removal by the macrophyte vetiver in ventilated artificial wetlands allows greater efficiency of 72.3% in nutrient removal for a retention time (TR) of 8 hours, and 81.4% for TR 12 hours, and is low cost technology, with low operation and maintenance.

The research was raised in the proposed greywater treatment by the Educational Institution IE Ramilo Priale Priale of San Juan de Lurigancho, Lima, Peru for Competition d Good Practice for Water Saving developed by SUNASS, allowing them to win the competition, which it will be replicated by the center of studies.

The research contributes to the project bank technology of artificial wetlands CITRAR-UNI, likewise, further work on this type of technology to be considered in the National Building Regulations of Peru.