IWRA Proceedings

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Ss21 Does The International Water Stewardship Standard Deliver Water Security For Some, Or For All? Evidence From The First Implementation In Africa

World Water Congress 2015 Edinburgh Scotland
Special session 21: The Battle To Frame Water Security
Author(s): Tyler Farrow

Tyler Farrow, International Programme Officer, Water Witness International

Oral: PDF

  • Corporate water engagement
  • Concern with corporate water engagement
  • Alliance for Water Stewardship
  • International Water Stewardship Standard
  • Methodology
  • Catchment context
  • Does the International Water Stewardship Standard deliver water security for some, or for all?
  • Water security insights
  • • Constructive engagement
  • • Powerful mechanism
  • • Interpretation in governance challenged catchments
  • • Proper scrutiny and quality of application
  • • Engagement and tracking to deliver benefits


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