IWRA Proceedings

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Heat Energy Recovery From Waste Water In The Glasgow Subway System

World Water Congress 2015 Edinburgh Scotland
6. Non-conventional sources of water
Author(s): Konstantinos Ninikas
Nicholas Hytiris
Rohinton Emmanuel
Paul L. Younger
Bjorn Aaen

Glasgow Caledonian University1, University of Glasgow2

Keyword(s): Sub-theme 6: Links with the energy, food and environmental sectors,
Article: PDFOral: PDF


Introduction This study investigates the feasibility of utilising undesired ground water ingress into the Glasgow Subway system. At present this unused excess water is being discharged into the city's drainage system as waste. This valuable resource could be channelled through a water source heat pump to produce heat energy for domestic or public use (heating and domestic hot water). Method A study has been carried out in order to calculate the heat contained in the water. Water flow and water temperature have been recorded over a six month period at fifteen different points within the network of underground tunnels. Water sampling has also been undertaken at all of these points, with chemical analysis results for six of them already obtained. The measurements will continue for at least six more months to have readings for a full year period. A feasibility study to review the number of support factors (i.e. Renewable Heat Incentive) that could profit the subway system has been undertaken as well. Results Options have been discussed and a selection of a site inside the tunnels for a pilot system is due to be decided. Conclusion The findings of this study are expected to develop an appropriate renewable solution and design a cost effective heat pump system. This waste water will be collected and used as renewable energy. During this process energy will be produced from a waste product using a sustainable and environmental friendly method. A similar approach ought to be transferable to many other subway systems around the world, the majority of which experience ground water ingress. 1. Banks, D. An Introduction to Thermogeology, 2007 2. The Scottish Government, 2020 Routemap For Renewable Energy In Scotland. http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0044/00441628.pdf 3. The Scottish Government, Threshold values for groundwater http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications/2010/01/06141049/7

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