IWRA Proceedings

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IWRA World Water Congress 2011 Pernambuco Brazil
1. Adaptive water management
Author(s): Ticiana Ayres Agra
Ângelo Thomás Pimentel Ferreira
Victor Cantalice de Souza
Marcio Gomes Barboza

Ticiana Ayres Agra,Ângelo Thomás Pimentel Ferreira,Victor Cantalice de Souza,Marcio Gomes Barboza, Universidade Federal de Alagoas, Centro de Tecnologia, thomas_pimentel@hotmail.com

Keyword(s): água de chuva,filtro lento,filtro lento,escassez de água
Article: PDF



The scarcity of good quality water is responsible for the death of millions of people and animals each year. The reuse of rain water is becoming a reality in several places in the world and stands as a very simple and efficient solution able to reduce the problem mentioned, mainly in places where the scarcity of water is more expressive and the available resources are insufficient to supply the basic needs of the population. One of the main aspects about the use of this kind of water is the guarantee its quality, specially considering the microbiologic point of view. The use of slow filters to catch rain water is ideal for small communities, because of its low cost and the simplicity of operation, further can be efficient to remove pathogens.The work presented here had the goal to make possible the reuse of rain water captured with ceramic roofing tile and later stored in fiberglass containers. In order to match the parameters of quality decreed at the MS 518/2004 issued by the Ministery of Health from Brazil it was adopted the slow sand filtration.

PALAVRAS-CHAVE: escassez de água, água de chuva, filtro lento.

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