IWRA Proceedings

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Every Drop of Freshwater on Islands Counts for Sustainability, Survivability, Buildability and Livability

Island Water Administration: New and Old Challenges and Opportunities (RS14)
Author(s): Heng Kian Liew
Heng Kian Liew, Liew Strategics, Liew Consultants, SINGAPORE, Singapore
Article: PDFOral: PDF

AbstractThere are different categories of island countries. Many are termed United Nation members and sovereign states while a smaller number of islands are termed dependencies and other territories. The largest island country is Indonesia with land area of 1,904,569 km2 (density 142 per km2) and the smallest being Cocos Island of 14 km2 (density of 42.6 per km2). Faroe Island has 1,393 km2 (density 35.5 per km2) compared with Singapore with 728 km2 (density 7831 per km2). Nevertheless, with big or small in land area or multitude of islands in a country or a single main island of very big population density, the problems face on freshwater sufficiency and inundation is common. The degree and variation of challenges on these islands could differ due to geography/geology, governmental-societal actions and state of technologies however, the common mitigation is on the climate change impacts affecting all islands – sovereign, dependencies and territories...