IWRA Proceedings

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Optimising complex decision-making under uncertainty: application of a novel multi-agent decision support tool to inform climate resilience of finfish freshwater aquaculture in Scotland

Island Water Administration: Asia, Pacific and African Region and Water, Energy, Food Nexus(RS10+11)
Author(s): Joshua Peters
Joshua Peters, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Article: PDFOral: PDF

AbstractDecision support tools can be applied to enhance collaborative decision-making in complex systems (Wagener et al., 2022) such as freshwater administration on islands (Karnauskas et al., 2016). Despite the prevalence of decision support tools, existing solutions often fall short in adequately incorporating multiple stakeholders' perspectives and addressing uncertainties. We developed a novel multi-agent decision support tool to address this gap. The SEAD (Stakeholder interaction, Elicitation, Analysis, Dialogue) method uses a Multiagent Influence Diagram (MAID) framework to enable the quantification of different stakeholder perspectives and values while accommodating various scenarios, such as climate change.