IWRA Proceedings

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Sustainable freshwater administration in Nosy Mitsio island (Madagascar): the collaboration between NGOs and the newborn Community Water Management Committees

Island Water Administration: Asia, Pacific and African Region and Water, Energy, Food Nexus(RS10+11)
Author(s): Edoardo Bono
Edoardo Bono, H4O Help for Optimism, Torino, Italy
Article: PDFOral: PDF

AbstractOn the small island of Nosy Mitsio - as well as most of the volcanic archipelagos in the north west of Madagascar - some 2000 people live far from any services such as education, electricity, roads, mobile network and water access. In these islands freshwater aquifers are superficial and very sensitive both to climate change, as well as to saltwater intrusion from the sea. Since 2018 the italian NGO “H4O Help for Optimism” has been implementing WASH projects in Nosy Mitsio island in close collaboration with local communities with the aim of improving public health conditions by ensuring access to clean water for all.