IWRA Proceedings

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Exploring Rainwater Harvesting Practices in a Water-Stressed Rural Community in Trinidad

Island Water Administration: Caribbean Region (RS7)
Author(s): Alana Mahabir
Alana Mahabir, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago
Article: PDF

AbstractClimate Change Projections have revealed fourteen percent (14%) rainfall reduction and five (5%) increase in potential evaporation in the small island of Trinidad by 2050. Rainfall is estimated to further shrink by twenty-one (21%) and potential evaporation further increase by 8% in 2100. Trinidad has also experienced challenges in maintaining sustainable water production due to greater occurrences of droughts in recent years. The increasing frequency and severity of droughts during the dry season is linked to the more intense episodes of the El Nino - Southern Oscillation which cause drier conditions in the southern Caribbean.