IWRA Proceedings

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Domestic Water Supply Vulnerability to Climate Change and the Role of Alternative Water Sources in Kingston, Jamaica

Special Session (SS2): Freshwater and Islands: A SIDS perspective
Author(s): Danneille Townsend
Danneille Townsend, IHE Delft Alumni
Oral: PDF



To assess water supply vulnerability for other 9 basins in the island; to determine the scale of vulnerabilities existing and direct the attention of water planners to the areas that may require augmentation and/or water demand solutions to sustain water supply systems.

To encourage water planners/ Government to implement tax subsidies on new housing solutions that incorporate RWH and on existing households that retrofit the home.

To encourage water planners / NWC to integrate government investments in centralized system solutions as well as decentralized rainwater harvesting

To employ hydrological modelling methodologies that can incorporate factors such as land use, ground water interactions, evapotranspiration and other important elements to assess climate change impacts more robustly.