IWRA Proceedings

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Innovative solutions to protect and increase fresh groundwater availability on small islands

Groundwater Resources Management: Groundwater and Innovation (RS6)
Author(s): Tess Davids
Tess Davids, Deltares, Utrecht, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Article: PDFOral: PDF

AbstractThe small island developing states (SIDS) are the first to be hit seriously by sea level rise and climate change. These small islands are prone to multiple hazards which interact and may cause large damages and reduce the habitability. Freshwater lenses are groundwater stocks below small islands and form the most important freshwater source for drinking and agriculture for many small islands. Unfortunately, these small freshwater lenses are very vulnerable and will shrink due to sea level rise, climate change (prolonged droughts) and overexploitation and will get salinized by sea water flooding more frequently...