IWRA Proceedings

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Managed Artificial Recharge in Jamaica - A Case Study

Groundwater Resources Management: Groundwater and Innovation (RS6)
Author(s): Geoffrey Marshall
Geoffrey Marshall, Water Resources Authority of Jamaica, Kingston, Jamaica
Article: PDFOral: PDF

AbstractThe Managed Artificial Recharge Facility in Innswood, St. Catherine is the largest artificial recharge facility in the Caribbean. It was conceptualized based on studies completed in 1982 by the then-Underground Water Authority, and was completed in 2017 by the National Water Commission and Rural Water Supply Limited. The facility’s purpose is to provide direct recharge of the underlying Limestone Aquifer to mitigate against the observed impacts of saline intrusion due to over-pumping and sea level rise. There is currently a moratorium on new abstractions in this limestone aquifer because of these impacts, and one of the goals for the MAR Facility is to provide sufficient and continuous recharge to the aquifer in order to ease the existing moratorium...