IWRA Proceedings

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Carbon Neutral Islands and Water

Climate change, nature and nexus: Climate Change and Water (RS2)
Author(s): Francesco Sindico
Francesco Sindico, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Article: PDFOral: PDF

AbstractIn this presentation we will present a few examples of how dealing with freshwater interacts with islands’ efforts to decarbonise. This is done through the prism of the Carbon Neutral Islands project, a Scottish Government initiative that is supporting six islands in Scotland to become carbon neutral by 2040. The six islands (Yell, Hoy, Raasay, Barra, Islay and Great Cumbrae) are all unique in their own way and present different water challenges and opportunities. For example, in Barra the water utility amounts to one of the greatest users of energy on the island. In Islay, home to 9 whisky distilleries (and several more on the horizon) freshwater is a key “ingredient” for the whisky sector on the island. On Great Cumbrae recent flooding events have shown that the danger of flooding for islands does not always come from the ocean due to sea level rise and sea surges, but often can come from inland through rivers and poor maintenance of critical infrastructure. By highlighting freshwater opportunities and challenges on these six islands in the context of the Carbon Neutral Islands project, this presentation ultimately pursues two objectives. First, it will open up a conversation on the climate water nexus from an island perspective, looking at both mitigation and adaptation. Second, it will frame discussions on freshwater administration, collaboration and innovation on islands in the context of an ongoing policy and community effort in Scotland that can provide some learning to other islands present at the Congress.