IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-6-8-40: Countermeasures to further improve the supervision of water intakein Yunnan Province under the new situation

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and Management
Author(s): Shuangzhu LIļ¼ŒWater Diversion Center of Yunnan Province
Poster: PDF



In order to ensure the sustainable development and utilization of water resources and further standardize the water intake behavior, Yunnan Province has actively promoted the special water intake management and rectification action in 2021. Through field investigation and collection of data, Yunnan Province has verified and registered 4,258 water intake projects related to the Pearl River Basin and 2,240 projects requiring rectification. The water intake projects account for 52.6% of the total. The problems reflected in the verification and registration of water intake projects are the key problems that need to be further studied and solved in the next step of water resources management.

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