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Poster P-6-3-8: Main Practices and Revelation of Groundwater Reserve Management and Protection in Beijing

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and Management
Author(s): Fapeng Li, Zhonghua Han

Fapeng Li, Development Research Center of the Ministry of the Water Resources
Zhonghua Han, Beijing Water Science and Technology Institute

Poster: PDF



With the rapid accumulation of population and the rapid development of urban economy, Beijing is facing a severe water resource shortage problem for a long time. In the late 1990s, Beijing planned emergency water supply for groundwater, and in the early 21st century, backup groundwater sources such as Huairou, Pinggu, Fangshan, and Changping were successively used, effectively filling the urban water supply gap and ensuring the successful hosting of major events such as the Olympic Games. Since the first phase of the South to North Water Diversion Project (SNWDP) was put into operation in 2014, with relatively improved water source conditions, Beijing has gradually restored groundwater sources and the groundwater level has significantly rebounded. n recent years, the vivid practice of using and restoring groundwater reserve sources implemented in Beijing has provided valuable experience for strengthening the management and protection of groundwater reserves nationwide and establishing a sound groundwater reserve system.

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