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Special Session SS-1-15: Special Session: Water Security and Climate Adaptation

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing Environment
Author(s): Organizers: UNESCO, i-WSSM, IWRA
Article: PDF


Issue 5 of the Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) Series has the theme Making Water Decisionsfor Climate Change Adaptation. Climate uncertainty is occurring concurrently with multipleotherstressors, such as sea level rise, population levels, migration, water availability, andother critical elements of water security. In this special session, practices for improved water securityincontext of climate adaptation will be explored, featuring authors of case studies documentedinthe GWSI Series 5 and a young professional’s perspective.

This special session fits in with the IWRA World Water Congress theme of Water-Human-Economy-Ecology Nexus under a changing environment because climate change is affecting the water cycle, including water availability, seasonal patterns of precipitation, with potential impacts onhumansettlements, the economy, aquatic habitat and ecology. Climate adaptation calls for innovativegovernance approaches and methods for gathering and analyzing information needed for water decision-makers. In this special session, practices to improve water security in the context of climate adaptationchallenges will be explored, featuring authors of case studies documented in the GWSI Series 5andayoung professional’s perspective. The GWSI chapter authors have experience fromgeographicallydiverseregions, and their presentations will highlight some successes, lessons learned, technologies, informationneeds, and governance approaches to understanding climate adaptation challenges.

The 90-minute session will open with welcoming remarks by i-WSSM and an overviewof the GWSI series. Next, four 15-minute presentations will be given by chapter authors and an IWRA Water Envoy. Thepresentations will be followed by a 15-minute panel discussion with all presenters, i-WSSMrepresentatives and IWRA representatives engaged in responding to questions and comments fromtheaudience. Audience engagement is an important feature of the special session and will provideopportunities for networking among practitioners working in on various aspects of climatechangeadaptation for water security. The session will close with a summary of key points by IWRA's ExecutiveDirector.

Special Session online documents