IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-5-4-36: Application of ArcGIS Technology in Planning of Irrigation Area

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 5: Establishing Sustainable Water Infrastructures
Author(s): Ms. Ling Li

Presenter: Ms. Ling Li

Organisation: Hunan Water Resources & Hydropower Survey, Design, Planning and Research Co., LTD., Changsha 410007

Poster: PDF


Objectives of the study

Planning of irrigation area involves complicated spatial information, such as administrative division, landform and geomorphic, river & hydrographic net, cultivated land distribution, and regional water conservancy facilities, etc. The traditional work method is usually to carry out many site exploration, survey, data collection and statistics in combination with topographic map, which is very complicated. In this study, it uses powerful ArcGIS spatial expression and data processing technology, especially the DEM-based analysis module to distribute, extract, analyze and process the collected basic spatial information of administrative division, contour line, national land data, regional water conservancy facilities and other basic spatial information. The results are collected into a database for visual expression to provide data preparation and support for irrigation planning.

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