IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-4-8-31: Characteristics and driving factors for algal growth and water quality in two major water source reservoirs in the Yangtze River Estuary

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions
Author(s): Jingyuan Cui, Yafei Cui, Chenyu Song, Yao Qu, Sheng Zhang and Haiping Zhang

Jingyuan Cui, Yafei Cui, Chenyu Song, Yao Qu, Sheng Zhang and Haiping Zhang
College of Environmental Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China

Poster: PDF


Objectives of the study

Qingcaosha reservoir ( and Chenhang reservoir ( located on the Yangtze River Estuary, are two major sources of drinking water for Shanghai, benefiting more than 11 million people Profiting from the achievements of the Yangtze River protection and restoration during the 13 th Five Year Plan" period, the intake water quality of the two reservoirs has been improved However, despite the almost identical intake water quality of the two reservoirs, QCS is at risk of eutrophication caused by algal overgrowth In view of the importance of water supply security, this study investigated the water quality characteristics of the two reservoirs as well as the driving factor of algal proliferation in QCS based on hydrological and water quality monitoring data of the two reservoirs from 2020 to 2021

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