IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-4-4-11: Research and practical application of key technical measures for comprehensive management of water ecosystem

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions
Author(s): YANG Lin, SU Wei-qiang, HUO Yu-guo

YANG Lin, SU Wei-qiang, HUO Yu-guo, Yunnan Water Resources and Hydropower Survey and Design Institute Co. , Ltd. , Kunming 650032, China

Poster: PDF


Objectives of the study

Adhering to the concept of ecological priority and green development, with the restoration of the beautiful environment and good ecology of the Dianxi River as the main goal, the landscape ecology as the core, and the key note of "seeing the mountains, seeing the water, and remembering home sickness". The Dianxi River will be built into a natural ecological space with international landscape vision, regional recognition, flood prevention and drainage as the background, water system connection, water qualityi mprovement, ecological restoration, rainwater absorption, wetland protection, pastoral scenery, cultural display, tourism, and leisure. Comprehensively drive the development of business and economy along the river, and ultimately achieve the overall goal of "watercontrol, pollution control, ecology, tourism, landscape, and culture.

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