IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-4-1-21: Analysis and evaluation of spatial carrying capacity of river lake water shoreline driven by spatial planning and river(lake) chief system.

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions
Author(s): Meng Kong, Jianglin Qin, Fuguo Tian

Meng Kong, Jianglin Qin, Fuguo Tian
Guangxi Water and Power Design Institute,Nanning 530023 ,China

Poster: PDF


Conclusions of the study

Opinion on Comprehensively Promoting the River ChiefSystem and Strengthening the management andprotection of the water shoreline of rivers, lakes andreservoirs is one of the six major tasks of the river headsystem. The scientific and rational protection and utilizationof the water shoreline space is an important practice tothoroughly implement the idea of ecological civilization andmaintain national water security, and an important startingpoint to promote the transformation of the river headsystem from "famous" to "practical". It is also important forensuring flood control, water supply, water environment andecological security, It is of great significance to promote thesustainable development of economy and society and theconstruction of ecological civilization.

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