IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-3-5-46: The study of early-warning and forecast of rainfall-runoff process real-time matching based on data mining

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 3: Building Resilience for Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
Author(s): SiminYang, YongkunLi, XiaohongHu, Jing Shubin
Poster: PDF


Objectives of the study

Flood forecasting in the urban area of Beijing is challenging due to the fast flood confluence and the delayed rainfall peak. By mining historical rainfall-runoff data and establishing rainfall-runoff correlations, real-time rainfall-runoff matching early warning forecasts can be achieved, which has significant practical implications for guiding the emergency management of urban flood control and drainage. Currently, most hydrological series similarity studies focus on annual, monthly, or daily scales, which meet the needs of conventional reservoir control and water resources management. However, flood control and emergency management require real-time correction of hydrological series similarity to deduce the most probable flood development and provide a basis and time for emergency decision-making.

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