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Oral O-4-4-23: Practical Exploration on ecological environment restoration of degraded river - Taking Yongding River as an example

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 4: Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions
Author(s): Miss. Jie Feng, Yongding River Investment Co.,LTD


Miss. Jie Feng, Yongding River Investment Co.,LTD


Mr. Xinyuan Zheng, Yongding River Investment Co.,LTD
Miss. Jie Feng, Yongding River Investment Co.,LTD

Keyword(s): Yongding River, degraded river, ecological environment restoration, comprehensive management
Oral: PDF



4. Supporting Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Functions


4-4. Ecological restoration of degraded rivers and lakes


With the continuous economic and social development in China, the new and old water problems such as frequent water disasters, water shortage, water ecological damage and water environmental pollution are interwoven, and some long-term accumulated contradictions have been highlighted in the ecological environment of rivers. Yongding River is an important water conservation area, ecological barrier and ecological corridor in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. After 1980, with the increase of industrial and agricultural production and urban water consumption, the ecological environment in the lower reaches of the basin gradually deteriorated, the river was completely dry, the river bed was exposed, and the river ecology was seriously damaged. In order to revive the river ecological environment, comprehensive management and ecological restoration have been initiated in Yongding River, taking the basin as a unit to carry out integrated system management across administrative divisions, and explored a practical path on the ecological environment restoration of the degraded river. (1) The river management scheme is guided through the overall planning and design ordinance. The river is divided into four sub-sections according to the geomorphic features, and on this basis, the river is divided into 103 sections according to the location of the river, the spatial functions of riverbank and the characteristics of river resources, then the governance guidelines for different sections are clarified. (2) Under the premise of ensuring safety, simulate the restoration mode driven by natural forces. Through the 500m³/s pulse test, which is conducive to maintaining the healthy life of Yongding River, the natural river form is recreated and the natural recovery of river landform and ecological environment is promoted. (3) Through measures such as agricultural water-saving and planting structure adjustment, water allocation and water security, comprehensive river regulation, water source protection, 804 kilometers of river channels, 367 kilometers of embankment and 465 kilometers of river patrol roads have been controlled to ensure river recovery. (4) Based on the dynamic changes of factors and boundary conditions in the governance process, a process linkage system governance scheme was proposed, and the optimal practice path of ecological environment recovery of Yongding River was realized through dynamic optimization of governance strategies. After the management, the water ecological environment of Yongding River has been greatly improved, the green ecological river corridor of Yongding River has been initially formed, and remarkable progress has been made in the recovery of river ecological environment.

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