IWRA Proceedings

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Poster P-2-5-9: Promote agricultural water-saving in southern China by economic means

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 2: Promoting Water Efficiency, Productivity and Services
Author(s): Xuerong Li, Water Economics and Management Research Center, Nanchang Institute of Technology
Poster: PDF


Empirical results reveal that water fees collecting, water resource dependence, agricultural water service satisfaction, and water-saving policy publicity are factors that positively influence farmers’ agricultural watersaving behavior, while farm size and age of household head negatively influence it. The results indicate that in these regions, the collecting of agricultural water fees is indeed conducive to promoting agricultural watersaving.

Factors that affect farmers’ agricultural watersaving behavior are sorted by contribution. Of the six factors, water fees collecting is the most important, while water-saving policy publicity is relatively less important. This implies that the role of publicity in promoting agricultural watersaving is weaker than that of economic means. This also means that to promote agricultural water-saving, the role of economic means should be effectively emphasized.

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