IWRA Proceedings

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SE4: Guaranteeing basic human rights – ensuring access to safe drinking water for all

Author(s): Side Event: 3rd Global Water Security Seminar
XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 6: Innovation for Water Governance and Management
Author(s): Dr. Dinara Ziganshina
Dr. Dinara Ziganshina - Director, Scientific Information Center of Interstate Commission for Water Coordination in Central Asia
Oral: PDF


Access to water and sanitation are recognized as human rights –
fundamental to everyone’s health, dignity and prosperity. However…
2.3 million people have died from water borne disease so far this year
2.2 billion still lack safely managed drinking water
3.5 billion still lack safely managed sanitation
2 billion still lack basic hygiene services
1.8 billion people still do not have drinking water on-premises, and in
two out of three households, women are primarily responsible for water

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