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Special Session : Managed aquifer recharge through rivers and lakes in North China Plain

XVIII IWRA World Water Congress Beijing China 2023
Sub-theme 1: Water-Human-Economy(Agriculture, Industry, City...) - Ecology Nexus under a Changing Environment
Author(s): Wenlong Shi
Wenlong Shi
General Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Planning and Design (GIWP), Ministry of Water Resources, P.R.China

Oral: PDF

AbstractSpécial Session Description
Many regions around the world experience challenges with water security. One of the successful tools for ensuring water security has been Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR). MAR serve as a holistic tool to address groundwater overexploitation, which can lead to droughts, land subsidies, destroyed ecosystems, and generally stunt overall socioeconomic development of regions. MAR is used in countries such as China, India, South Africa and California. Danish Authorities has played a major role on advising these countries and more on how to successfully apply the MAR projects in various contexts. Thus, in the first presentation GEUS will share the knowledge they have gathered from around the world. This includes how to safely recharge without polluting the shallow and deep-confined groundwater aquifer. Denmark and China is engaging in a collaboration under the Strategic Sector Cooperation (SSC) on MAR to apply the international experience in a Chinese context. Therefore, the second presentation will focus on MAR experience in deep confined aquifers in the South China. One of the success criteria for MAR projects is a sustainable water source. GIWP will illustrate how MAR to shallow aquifers could alleviate the degradation of groundwater system and sustain water security in a water scarce region like the North China Plain in the third presentation. MAR is one tool in the big groundwater management toolbox for dealing with water security challenges. Denmark has a long history with groundwater management as groundwater provides 99% of the Danish drinking water resource. Monitoring of the groundwater started in 1988 as part of the general monitoring of water environments in Denmark but has since expanded rapidly. Through detailed management including campaigns, policies and legislations, Denmark has achieved a decoupling of the water consumption to ensure sustainable utilization, mitigation of loss and a reduction of consumer use. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) is responsible for the overall planning, mapping and monitoring of the groundwater resources. The Danish Environmental Protection Agency (DEPA) talk about sustainable groundwater management in relation to MAR and in general. Hybrid format with presentations and interactive workshop: - 5 minutes reserved for a potential high-level opening speech - Four presentations of 10 minutes from both Chinese and Danish. 1) GEUS presentation on MAR experiences from across the world, 2) Lili Yu from GIWP presentation with a focus on MAR through rivers and lakes in North China Plain, 3) Huifeng Zhu from Shanghai Municipal Water Authority will focus on tentative study and practices on deep confined aquifer recharge in the South China, 4) DEPA presentation on the groundwater management and monitoring. - 45 minutes interactive workshop. DEPA and GIWP are responsible for inviting the speakers and organizing the session. DEPA will cover the transportation, accommodation and registration cost of the Danish presenters.
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