IWRA Proceedings

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Towards a fast characterization method for large sampling high throughput microplastics identification

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 5: PRIORITY emerging pollutants in the hydrocycle: microplastics, nanomaterial, PFAs and PPCPs
Author(s): Cristiane Vidal, Dr., Vinícius S. Santos, Bel., Cassiana C. Montagner, Dr.

Cristiane Vidal, Dr. | Vinícius S. Santos, Bel. | Cassiana C. Montagner, Dr. | University of Campinas (UNICAMP) - https://www.unicamp.br/unicamp/english
Acknowledgements: INCTAA (CNPq 465768/2014-8, FAPESP 2014/50951-4) and FAPESP 2020/14988-1

Poster: PDF


To measure the effectiveness of public politics regarding the actions of combating plastic pollution, there is a need for monitoring the environment and creating indicators, for example, the temporal abundance of microplastics (MP) in a specific area of interest. An analytical microplastic identification by near-infrared hyperspectral imaging (HSI-NIR) that can assist the development of pollution indicators is presented.

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