IWRA Proceedings

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Removal of Microplastics from Wastewater Effluents using Coconut Husks and Bamboo

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 5: PRIORITY emerging pollutants in the hydrocycle: microplastics, nanomaterial, PFAs and PPCPs
Author(s): Doorgha Ragoobur (Miss), University of Mauritius

Doorgha Ragoobur (Miss), University of Mauritius

Poster: PDF


The results of this study shows a novel and simple removal approach using coconut husk and bamboo wastes to remove MPs from water, which has potential application. This preliminary study provide salient data to advocate for subsequent research on the removal of MPs. Further research is required to determine the retention mechanism involve between the different adsorbents and type of MPs.

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