IWRA Proceedings

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Antibiotics removal from aquaculture effluents by ozonation: chemical and toxicity descriptors

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 3: Emerging pollutants and wastewater
Author(s): Dr. Ana M. Gorito, PhD, CIIMAR and FCUP

Dr. Ana M. Gorito, PhD, CIIMAR and FCUP
Other authors: Ana R.L. Ribeiro, Pedro Rodrigues, M. Fernando R. Pereira, Laura Guimarães, C. Marisa R. Almeida, Adrián. M.T. Silva

Poster: PDF

  • Ozonation was an efficient solution for removing ABs widely used in aquaculture, except for FF.
  • Florfenicol degradation requires HO, being highly dependent on the type of water matrix.
  • Endpoints of the zebrafish assays did not reveal toxicity potential compared to negative and positive controls, in clear contrast with the untreated effluent.
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