IWRA Proceedings

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The Impact of Pharmaceuticals on Phytoplankton: Save Phytoplankton, Breathe Freely

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 1: Emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems

Aya AL SIBLANI, Master’s Graduate in Marine Biology and Ecology - ayasiblani@hotmail.com

Poster: PDF


The production, prescription and use of pharmaceuticals (PC) has steeply increased during the last decades. PCs are ubiquitous in aquatic ecosystems. They are found at concentrations ranging from several picograms per liter to
several milligrams per liter. These compounds have ecotoxic effects on aquatic organisms, even at very low concentrations. They can significantly affect aquatic organisms when chronically exposed and can cross trophic levels and travel up the food chain.

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