IWRA Proceedings

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Assessment of Spatio-Temporal Variation of Chlorophyll-a Concentration in Gulf of Kutch, India using AQUA MODIS Sensor Data

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 1: Emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems
Author(s): Deepak Kumar, Department of Soil & Water Conservation Engineering, GBPUA&T Pantnagar India

Deepak Kumar, Department of Soil & Water Conservation Engineering, GBPUA&T Pantnagar India

Poster: PDF


In the present study, the coastal region around the Gulf of Kutch has been selected as the study area. The Gulf of Kutch is in India, and is spread along the coastal regions up to an approximate length of 150 km. In the present study, AQUA-MODIS sensor has been used to estimate Chlorophyll-a content in the Gulf of Kutch. Level-2 data from the period 2015 to 2022 has been acquired and processing of data has been done using SeaWiFS Data Analysis System (SeaDAS) software, developed by NASA. SeaDAS has been used for processing and analyzing ocean color data.