IWRA Proceedings

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Prioritization of Emerging Pollutants Used for Fingerprinting Specific Water Sources

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 5: PRIORITY emerging pollutants in the hydrocycle: microplastics, nanomaterial, PFAs and PPCPs
Author(s): Piero R. Gardinali, Milena Ceccopieri, Kassidy Troxell, Stefanie Landeweer

Piero R. Gardinali, Milena Ceccopieri, Kassidy Troxell, Stefanie Landeweer
Florida International University, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Institute of Environment (InWE)

Oral: PDF


What is water quality? – A traditional definition


  • Water quality refers to the chemical, physical, biological, and radiological characteristics of water.
  • It is a measure of the condition of water relative to the requirements of one or more biotic species and or to any human need or purpose.
  • It is most frequently used by reference to a set of standards against which compliance can be assessed.


Must let contaminants “emerge” – Standards are not widely available

There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know.
There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know.
But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know.

Donald Rumsfeld


Can we take a step forward? Yes, but we need guidance


  • Yes, we can fingerprint water!
  • Based on these fingerprints we can prioritize sites of interest as well as compounds of interest.
  • NTA workflows are capable to differentiate water sources in a system and show how it is influenced by a managed urban environment.
  • Both NTA and traditional analyses are needed to understand the sources of emergent contaminants.



January 19, 2023, 12:45 pm CET

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