IWRA Proceedings

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Niobum-Based Advanced Nanomaterials for Emergent Pollutants Removal from Wastewater

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 3: Emerging pollutants and wastewater
Author(s): Lanna Emilli Lucchetti

Lanna Emilli Lucchetti, Universidade Federal do ABC, Bairro Bangu, Santo André


Oral: PDF


Water Contamination by Emerging Pollutants - A Multifaceted Issue

  • Compounds with multiple origins and sources.
  • A wide variety of chemical structures.
  • New emerging pollutants are still being identified and discovered.

"Despite the progress, there are wide geographical disparities, and 2 billion people still did not use safely managed drinking water in 2020.”

“The science is still not clear on the concentrations at which these contaminants pose a risk to human health.”

“Governments and other stakeholders should encourage and fund research in the water sector, work with academic institutions, and disseminate results to inform decisionmaking.”


January 18th/16:45-18:00 CET

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