IWRA Proceedings

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Occurrence of antibiotics and psyquiatric drugs in brazilian municipalities: a data analysis approach

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 4: A circular economy approach: Lifecycle management of emerging pollutants
Author(s): JĂșlia Carolina Braz de Freitas Bijos, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Industrial Engineering Department

Júlia Carolina Braz de Freitas Bijos, Federal University of Bahia (UFBA), Industrial Engineering Department.

Oral: PDF



  • This ongoing investigation verified that the monitoring and quantification of PhACs are mostly performed in São Paulo state, with Antibiotics being the most monitored compounds. Among the selected  harmaceuticals, Amoxicilin and Azythromicin present the highest sell quantity and due to the value of the Ef of Amoxicilin (60%), this produces the higher concentration to be treated.
  • For future research the relationships of the PhACs will be deeply investigated, in order to better evaluate the variations of sales considering the evolution of prescription collection.
  • The initial findings will be compared with previous predictive models for pharmaceuticals concentrations based on sales data.


January 18th, 2023 (15:25 CET)