IWRA Proceedings

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Assessment of stakeholders’ demands on aquatic pollutants to support the transfer of research results

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 1: Emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems
Author(s): Maïté Fournier, ACTeon Environment

Maïté Fournier, ACTeon Environment

Co-authors: Kaitlyn Carter, Corinne Merly, Hanna Matschke Ekholm, Lara Oppelt

Oral: PDF



  • We provide tools to identify the stakeholders in their own countries + to review the regulatory contexts + to carry-out interviews and identify the needs
    • Ready-to-use by the 18 projects for their own goals
  • We highlight specific knowledge gaps related to CEC / AMR / pathogens
    • Match that list to the research focus of the 18 projects
    • Contribute to the definition of the next JPI calls
  • We identify barriers to knowledge transfer on aquatic pollutants
    • To be further investigated by Transnet in the coming months (workshops, hackathon)
    • Identify the most effective transfer tools
    • To advice the 18 projects in the best ways to disseminate their results


18 January 2023, 13:05 CET

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