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Assessment of emerging organic contaminants at the groundwater of Yucatán peninsula: recreational and water supply

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 2: Emerging pollutants and groundwater
Author(s): Rosa Maria Leal-Bautista

Rosa Maria Leal-Bautis

Unidad de Ciencias del Agua del CICY (CICY Centro de Investigación Científica de Yucatán - https://www.cicy.mx)

Colaborators CONAGUA, CAPA, CONACULTA-INAH-MEX, Aktunchen, Bahía Príncipe, Sr. C. Caamal, Sr. Donato Castro, Dra. Melissa Lenczweski, Dra Cecilia Hernández, MC Cinthya Grimaldo, Dr. Eugene Perry, Dra. Jeanne McLane, Dr.
Gilberto Acosta, Dr. Jesus Alvarado, Cheyenne Morgan, Dilsa Moralez, Norma Montiel, Alondra Alvarado, Rodrigo Diaz and Carolina Martínez.

Oral: PDF



  • Tourism as the predominent economic activity: 3er economic activity for the country
  • Mexico National bank ; 8.0% PIB Producto Interno Bruto total, promoting 1.8 millIon jobs
  • A combined population of 5.1 million people
  • UN-Habitat study, it is estimated that by 2030, the population will grow 42.7% in 18 municipalities around the Yucatán Peninsula and Southeast.
  • This growth would be the result of the development of the Tren Maya, as it is expected in the places where the railroad will have a station


Water quality at the Yucatan Peninsula had been focusing on Bacteriological quality (fecal indicators) and Nitrogen compounds. Very recent the presence of organic compounds at the Yucatán Peninsula has been of some concern mainly related to specific areas of recreational (tourism), golf courses, agriculture activity and water supply



Emergent contaminants in a groundwater dependent ecosystem, at the touristic and nontouristic sampled sites is occurring. The detection of fecal indicators such as: Escherichia coli (E. coli) and the determination of
caffeine makes evident that not only in the touristic sites the extent of the contamination implies a human source.

Implication: Promote a Monitoring more specific and with more parameters

Water quality at the groundwater system is deteriorating in sites along the rise of developments.

Implication: Distinguishing pollution sources allows you to define control strategies and
protection policies

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