IWRA Proceedings

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Mutagenicity evaluation of the rubber tire oxidant by product, 6PPD quinone, using the Ames assay

IWRA 2023 Online Conference - Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment
Theme 1: Emerging pollutants in aquatic ecosystems
Author(s): Gabriely Groto Militão, Markus Brinkmann & Gisela Umbuzeiro

Gabriely Groto Militão, Markus Brinkmann & Gisela Umbuzeiro
17 January 2023, 15:10 CET

Oral: PDF


N-(1,3-Dimethylbutyl)-N’-phenyl-p-phenylenediamine-quinone is a transformation product of the rubber tire antioxidant, 6PPD. It reaches the aquatic environment by stormwater and urban runoff. The objective of this study was to verify its mutagenicity using the Salmonella/microsome assay

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