IWRA Proceedings

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Stakeholder participation in water resources problem: legislative and practice (case study Laghouat state Algeria)

IWRA 2020 Online Conference - Addressing Groundwater Resilience under Climate Change
THEME 4. Groundwater Governance, Management and Policy
Author(s): Khaled Chorfi Email, Bekkouche Abdmalek

Khaled Chorfi Email: khaled.chorfi@gmail.com
Bekkouche Abdmalek Email: malek.bekkouche@gmail.com

Keyword(s): stakeholder participation, water resources problem, water legislation
Poster: PDF


The research is addressing the gap between legislative and pratice of stakeholder participation in water resources problem. The real situations of water resources problem have backgrounds resulting from the current or previous applied policies, and all its positive or negative effects it has had on the stakeholders or the resources themselves. The efficiency of the applicable frameworks in developed countries is obvious, but the developing countries suffered from the difficulties of its implementation, despite the legislative and the practice efforts. For that the most case of developing country swing between adminration of frameworks and procedures and their implementation reareality.