IWRA Proceedings

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Development of a web supported MAR concept for a pilot study in Recife, Brazil

IWRA 2020 Online Conference - Addressing Groundwater Resilience under Climate Change
THEME 5. Groundwater Education and Capacity Development
Author(s): Anika Conrad, Suzana Gico Lima Montenegro, Lucila Araújo Fernandes, Catalin Stefan and Ronjon Chakrabarti

Anika Conrad1, Suzana Gico Lima Montenegro2, Lucila Araújo Fernandes3, Catalin Stefan4 and Ronjon Chakrabarti1

1. Adelphi Research gGmbH
2. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco; Water and Climate Agency of Pernambuco
3. Universidade Federal de Pernambuco
4. Technische Universität Dresden

SMART Control Projekt


Keyword(s): Managed Aquifer Recharge, MAR, online management tool, trainings, Brazil
Oral: PDF


(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis

In order to address uncertainties related with managed aquifer recharge (MAR), the SMART-Control project intends to reduce the risks of application of sustainable groundwater management by developing, implementing and conducting trainings for various stakeholders on the use of an innovative web-based, real-time monitoring and control system in combination with risk assessment and management tools (smart-control.inowas.com). Training sessions are planned to be held in Recife early next year 2021 to co-design a MAR system together with various stakeholders including decision makers by using the SMART-Control framework.


(b) Key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed

In urban areas, MAR has an important role in the sustainable water management. Considering the aquifer treatment and subsurface storage capacity, MAR permits to recycle stormwater and treated wastewater. Additionally, MAR offers a solution to local challenges of saltwater intrusion in overexploited coastal aquifers as in the city of Recife in Brazil. Although salinization of groundwater sources has led to a growing interest in MAR solutions in the past years, groundwater users remain hesitant to implement MAR concepts due to various uncertainties concerning the geo-hydrological conditions and technical performance of the MAR solutions.


(c) Methodology or approach used

The application of the SMART-Control Setup will help to reduce associated uncertainties regarding effectiveness of storage and recovery rates of fresh water from the local Beberibe aquifer by contributing to a better understanding and simulation of actual working conditions and efficiency of the Recife pilot site. This framework enables not only hydrologists but also decision makers to understand MAR's processes and track them in real time in order to react in time to emergencies. An awareness raising and training program was developed to introduce potential stakeholders to MAR and the SMART-Control framework. Moreover, a MAR pilot will be co-developed with stakeholders in Recife thereby fostering MAR as an alternative solution to conventional technologies.


(d) Results and conclusions derived from the project

From the social perspective, it can be summarized that despite the awareness of the benefits of MAR systems, there is scepticism and persistent stakeholder opposition towards groundwater recharge primary due to water quality concerns. In order to overcome the fears of stakeholders it is recommended to actively involve stakeholders from the beginning, to present and communicate transparently project results as well as implement pilot sites in a participatory manner. The SMART-Control framework supports this approach effectively.


(e) Implications of the project relevant to selected conference theme, theory and/or practice

An awareness raising program and training sessions are conducted aiming at increasing the acceptance of MAR as a nature-based alternative solution with various advantages over conventional solutions.