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IWRA 2020 Online Conference - Addressing Groundwater Resilience under Climate Change
THEME 2. Climate Change Effects on Groundwater Resilience (Pollution and Remediation)
Author(s): Gontle Thuto Rankgomo, John Gathenya

Ms. Gontle Thuto Rankgomo, MSc Candidate, Supervisor: Prof. John Gathenya
Pan African University Institute of Water and Energy Sciences (including Climate Change)

Keyword(s): groundwater, climate change, managed aquifer recharge, potential zones
Oral: PDF


(a) Purpose or objectives and status of study or research hypothesis

Water scarcity is a major challenge for the development of Botswana therefore artificial aquifer recharge is amongst the untapped alternative ways to store groundwater. It is therefore paramount to evaluate the suitable recharge zones.


(b) Key issue(s) or problem(s) addressed

The whole world is running out of water that is stored in aquifers. Globally groundwater resources are limited and they are declining in terms of quality and quantity due to contamination and climate change impacts. Botswana is described as a land locked country in Southern Africa that has a semi arid climate with low and unreliable rainfall. Moreover, groundwater is estimated to account for more than 80% of the domestic water that is supplied in the country. Continual increase in population as well as climate variability experienced in Botswana has led to a great use of groundwater thus putting greater stress than ever before.


(c) Methodology or approach used

In this chapter the study area, data sources, formats and a step by step explanation of the data processing techniques that were used for evaluating the potential zones for groundwater recharge using the Soil Water Balance model in Palla Road are shown. Satellite data and existing data from various institutions that provide information about groundwater recharge were used for the analytical hierarchy process (AHP).


(d) Results and conclusions derived from the project

Explanations show that there are benefits associated with managed aquifer recharge which are inclusive of augmented water supply, supplement the available groundwater, reduce the declines of water level in groundwater reserves to mention a few. In conclusion, water is life and plays an essential role in sustainable development. Managed aquifer recharge serves as a basis to ensure sufficient supply of water for the future growth of the population.


(e) Implications of the project relevant to selected conference theme, theory and/or practice

Botswana having a semi arid climate, has never favored the country characterizing it with little or no rainfall annually therefore managed aquifer recharge (MAR) serves as a solution to diversify its water resources. This has been proven to improve the water security of countries that are already practicing MAR methods for example, Namibia were some of the wellfields were completely replenished and also encourages an integrated approach of water management. This project will ensure that the sustainable development goal 6 of ensuring clean water and sanitation is attained which falls in line to the 2.5 theme of this online conference.