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IWRA World Water Congress 2017 - Cancun Mexico
5. Water ecosystems and physical regimes
Author(s): Carlos Andrés Burgos Galeano
Álvaro Javier Arroyo Arango
Paula Andrea Estrada Palencia
Diana Carolina Pérez Vergara

Carlos Andrés Burgos Galeano
SENA, Regional-Córdoba
Álvaro Javier Arroyo Arango
SENA, Regional-Córdoba
Paula Andrea Estrada Palencia
SENA, Regional-Córdoba
Diana Carolina Pérez Vergara
SENA, Regional-Córdoba

Keyword(s): Pollution, macroinvertebrates, River
Article: PDF

Pollution of water resources has become a serious problem, it is considered that the developing countries have a greater impact, discharged about 90% of wastewater untreated, polluting supply points. The main sources of water pollution are the direct discharge of domestic sewage and industrial waste, direct disposal of solid waste. The city of Monteria is crossed by one of the most important water sources in the Colombian Caribbean, the Rio Sinu has an undeniable environmental importance, it plays a vital role in the development of the economy and culture of those who inhabit its banks.
Through this paper it is to study whether the diversity and composition of macroinvertebrates in the Sinu River is affected by human activities, inadequate waste management and dumping, since macroinvertebrates are used as bio-indicators of water quality, it is a method that provides complementary to the physical-chemical assessment information, allowing elucidate the degree of disturbance generated by the municipality over the basin. In turn, Colombia is considered a vulnerable to the effects of climate change country, so it is important to study the local biodiversity and ecosystems assembly with action to establish bases for conservation.
At the time of writing this summary, which allowed pre-inspection field set 5 stations sampled. Has conducted a five scheduled sampling, taking samples associated with the left and right margins of the river coast, collected the first 75 individuals have been identified in 70%. Preliminarily we can say that families have been found Gerridae and Naucoridae (Hemiptera), and Pisauridae Lycosidae (Araneae), Atydae (Decapoda) and Neritidae (Gastropoda), which mainly indicates an acceptable quality status.
In turn specific water samples for physicochemical analysis are collected. Through an analysis of Bray-Curtis similarity to the results of physico-chemical analysis it showed that the most similar points of one another are Jaraquiel and Mocarí with 99,952 similarity. Generally the points located towards the ends (upstream and downstream) are presenting a greater degree of similarity, representing degrees of impact and physico-chemical alteration in those closest to the center of the municipality.
One of the main components of the project is participatory outreach to the community as a strategy of social appropriation of knowledge, it is to promote the idea River as an ingrained tradition ecosystem in order to promote the generation of consciousness, which is expected to minimize discharges and sources of accumulation of solid waste; the project is also expected integration of local and environmental authorities as promoting agents of change, it is expected that research results support the generation base measures watershed protection and control of discharge line.
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