IWRA Proceedings

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The cooperation United Nations in case of disasters caused by natural event in transboundery basin and island states.

IWRA World Water Congress 2017 - Cancun Mexico
3. Water security in a changing world
Author(s): Fátima de Jesús Moreno Merlo
Fátima de Jesús Moreno Merlo

Keyword(s): Planning, safe life through international cooperation, taking decision just on time
Article: PDF


The cooperation United Nations in case of disasters caused by natural event in transboundery basin and island states.

To make it easier help given by the United Nations to those countries which are affected by natural events that can caused disasters because they do no have the required developmental facilities to face such natural events. It is therefore important that effort should be made, through the organization. To identify the basins and island states that are prone to those natural events by continents and number of victims, which these phenomenon have caused.

The heterogeneity information is according to the intensity of natural events causes disasters. Which made it possible to develop a methodology to know the vulnerability, understanding that the ability to face these events depends largely to the developmental capacity of each country. At the same time, a methodology had been put in place to estimate the grade of difficulty of cooperation, for the U.N. in the case of disasters caused by natural events knowing that differences in human groups that can be an obstacle to the work of the organization.

To evaluate the vulnerability to the natural events that are caused disasters by transboundery basins and island states in each continent matrices were made by the intensity of registered drought, flood, earthquake, volcanic eruption, storms, tsunamis, mass movement, and extreme temperature but the main variable was determined by the number of mortal victims. Because there are countries who are facing the same phenomena eve with number of mortal victims determined the main variable; because there were countries facing the same phenomena, even with a greater intensity, but have registered less number of mortal victims, because they have more intensity, which registered a smaller number of fatalities because they had developed mechanism to face such events. Finally, to determine those places where the cooperation is needed, priority was made according to the number of people who live in each basin and island that are at risk, because they are still not ready to face natural events common there.

The differences to face difficulty of these natural phenomena among human groups go beyond these abilities. That is exactly why matrices were made to estimate the difficulty of cooperation, using the following data: number of countries repairs to the basin, number of habitants of the basin, number of religious practices, number of language spoken by people who live in the basin, the estimated average political stability among the countries which are hydrological united, average of human development index according to the number of countries that form part of the basin and the development gender index.

The results of the methodologies previously mentioned are summarized by an alphanumeric code identifies the results and in addition it lets determines a priority order. An the result can be summarized in the following words: the duration and intensity of the drought is slow and less striking than other natural phenomena but causes more victims, being a good reason to use a management plan in the basins. Asia and Africa are the continents where natural events have caused more victims. 

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