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Water planning and governance: implementation in the Rio Amecameca sub basin, Valley of Mexico

IWRA World Water Congress 2017 - Cancun Mexico
4. Water policy and governance
Author(s): Moisés Hernández
Moisés Hernández
El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, A.C.

Keyword(s): Pollution, planning, governance, social management of water, sub-basin of river Amecameca.
Article: PDF


The current pollution of rivers is an obvious problem of water management in the Valley of Mexico Basin (VMB), after ten years of the introduction of the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) concept in the Ley de Aguas Nacionales (2004). A representative case is the Amecameca river (upper part of the VMB) for which two plans have been developed since 2011 (only case in the VMB), both from the Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA), without demonstrating any effects on the river cleanup, and reflecting the crisis of the IWRM model, and water governance (WG). This thesis presents an analysis of the water planning process and WG applied in the river Amecameca sub-basin (RAS), from its water plans and the current water planning process in the country. The methodology is qualitative, with a public policy analysis, and the evidences of WG in the basin. The main findings of the research in the RAS, relate to intra and inter - institutionals problems of CONAGUA to implement IWRM; the inattention to social management of water in the localities; and the limited participation of civil society in the processes of water planning despite their interest in participating.

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