IWRA Proceedings

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“Water Security”- through Techno-Sustainable Mechanism

IWRA World Water Congress 2017 - Cancun Mexico
3. Water security in a changing world
Author(s): amrisha pandey
amrisha pandey
university of leeds

Keyword(s): freshwater management, data-science, international law, sustainable use, interdisciplinary approach.
Poster: PDF


Freshwater crisis is evident and growing with time, it has become one of the biggest security threat and a key factor for determining the fate of our planet. Freshwater is vital and unsubstitutable need to support life and civilisations across the globe. Therefore, this paper is designed to address the freshwater crisis of 21st century by inter-disciplinary use of science, technology and law using doctrinal research methodology and real life aspirations of data-science.  However, what is turning to be the security threat or the growing cause of war in time yet to come, does possess the potential to spread peace and harmony through co-operation by amalgamating the scientific advancement with the development of law and policy for the regulation of freshwater resource.

The surface and ground water constitute the same hydrological cycle and the transoundary impact on one part of the resource is bound to affect another. Moreover, for the holistic management of the freshwater resource it is important to take into account all the factors responsible. They vary broadly to the range of components such as: nature of the resource, geography, culture and pattern of human-use and the other socio-political as well as socio-economic reasons However, by the use of data-science what seems to be impossible till last decade has become possible today. By using this technology, the exact composition and type of the impurities, their impact on ecology, the residue leftover of the impurities reaching groundwater after percolating through several layer of earth surface and the holistic situation of the surface water including the internal aquatic life could be reasonably understood and known to plan ahead their management.  

Henceforth, this article proposes the use of data-science to collect the exact information about the exact location of the resource on multiple variables and imply the wise-use of this data in planning local polices for governing the resource. Additionally, to make sure that the policy so implemented in a locality is socially and legally acceptable and economically viable, they should be governed through certain basic principles of international environmental law which could develop them into the universally acceptable model. This scientific-legal fusion guided by set of universal principle of law possess the capacity to address the 21st century freshwater crisis. Furthermore, the date-science is important because we are running out of time and money to fix the burning issue and we are no longer at liberty to use the trial and error techniques as we have been doing from last 6-8 decades. Therefore, data-science will help create perfectly viable solutions on ground at local level of governance and the sustainable green technological advancement will primarily aim to assist in enhancing the nature’s capacity to replenish itself and secondly it will target to deal with the residue leftover through man-made techniques. Moreover, this paper will summarise the finding of inter-disciplinary nature and would argue such implementation from eco-centric view point in favour of overall environmental health of the planet by addressing its life-blood- the Freshwater.   

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