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Ss36 Barriers And Opportunities To Address Impacts Of Land-based Activities On The Marine Environment: Gpa Perspective

World Water Congress 2015 Edinburgh Scotland
Special session 36: Down The River – Out To Sea… And In Some Cases Back Again
Author(s): Vincent Sweeney Coordinator
Vincent Sweeney
Coordinator, GPA (Global Programme of Action, UNEP)

Oral: PDF

(Global Programme of Action)
The GPA, adopted in 1995, is a voluntary, actionoriented, intergovernmental programme led by UNEP, to prevent the degradation of the marine environment from land-based activities. The Manila Declaration in 2012, gave GPA the mandate to establish three global multi-stakeholder partnerships for the priority areas of nutrients, marine litter and wastewater
Objectives of Presentation
  • To provide brief overview of GPA and its global partnerships, and;
  • To highlight barriers and opportunities to address impacts of land-based activities on the marine environment
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